Chapter 36.

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~"He will set fire to the world around him, but will never let a flame touch her"

Avneet's pov:

I think I should now go back in Salman sir might return any time. Before I could get up , I felt someone's presence behind my back. It might be one of my friends I thought.
"Yeah I was just comi-" But I stopped as soon as I saw who it is.

"What do you want now?" I said gritting my teeth at Reyansh.
He took a step  closer to me ,
"How dare you?" he said I knew what he was talking about but decided to play dumb and ignore him. I stepped away from him turning to go back inside the house, but he harshly grabbed my arm pulling me .

"Don't you ignore me, or else-" He hissed
"Or else what? You can't do anything to me here , there are cameras all around" I said

"Oh yeah? You really think I don't know where you always used to disappear during the episodes. I know their are no cameras in this corner." He said and I felt my heartbeat increase. He was right. Also everyone was inside the house chances of anyone hearing us were very slim.

"Now tell me how dare you decline me." He said tightening his grip on my arm. 
"You really think after everything you've done to me and to everyone I love, i'll accept your proposal." I screamed

"You HAVE to. The only reason they've made me enter this house is because I told everyone that we are both in love with each other and I'll be proposing you inside." He said and I can't believe him, he used me to gain publicity .

"Get away from me" I bellowed 

And pushed him with every ounce of strength I had hard enough to make him stumble few steps back. 

Taking it as an opportunity I tried to escape but before I could he again grabbed me from my hair pushing me against the wall. His hand was now against my throat.

"Ok if you want to learn it the hard way." he said applying pressure on my neck.
"Say you'll agree to what I tell you to do" He told me and again that feeling of helplessness and vulnerability passed though me.

But this time I decided to not to give up and fight.
"I won-t" I croaked.
And with that his grip on my neck tightened.

Siddharth's pov:

A lot happened since morning. I was trying my best to not even look at that Reyansh or I don't know what I might do. The situation of Kartik and Naira were pretty similar to me.
Avneet was in the garden now, three of us had decided to give her a little space and time to herself. But it had been long since she's outside. I think Salman sir would come any moment now.

I was about to get up to go and call her , when the screen switched on and Salman sir came. 
After a second or two he spoke "Where is Avneet and Reyansh?" 
And that's when I noticed Reyansh was missing as well. I looked at Kartik and Naira and a look of horror crossed passed through all of our faces.


And without a second thought I got up and ran outside in the garden, Kartik and Naira following closely behind. And the scene infront of me made my fist clench.
Reyansh had Avneet pushed against a wall with his hand gripping her neck. Her face was pale, while her eyes were almost closing.

I immediately pulled Reyansh from his collar and my fist connected with his jaw. Naira and Kartik immediately went besides Avneet and held onto her. And that's when she broke it loose and sobs starting escaping her mouth. I looked at Reyansh with the amount of rage I've never felt before and started punching him.

"How dare you fucking bastard , how dare you touch her" I said throwing punches on his face. 
He tried to swing his fists but I grabbed them before , huh he really thinks he can fight me.

Everyone was trying to pull me back, but I was too outraged to listen.

"Separate you both, Siddharth get away from him" A dominating voice boomed. Everyone was silent now, Salman sir was standing inside the house . His expression clearly showing rage.

"What do you think of yourself" He bellowed.
"You do know right you'll be locked up on the charges of attempt to murder. You think it's very macho of you to force a girl if she goes against you." Salman sir said and I realized everything he said was directed to Reyansh not me. 

Reyansh was standing their not speaking anything, bruises started to form on his face, I did a pretty well job but it could've been better.

"Also Siddharth though he deserved what you did to him. You need to learn how to control yourself." He said
"But I don't regret what I did" I replied in a flat tone.
"I know you don't" He said "I would've done the same" He added

This all happened in around 5 mins, I wasn't able to punch him much, it was just 2-3 swings before Salman sir came.
We then turned towards Avneet , and my heart pricked looking at her condition. She had finger marks on her neck. Tears were running down her face while she was coughing continuously .

"Shh! don't cry Avneet" Naira said she had her arms wrapped around her from side and was rocking her gently.
"I think something's wrong she's coughing continuously" Kartik said worried

And before any of us could react Avneet coughed this times blood splattering on the floor.
She was throwing blood. Lots of it. 

"We need a doctor NOW" Salman sir said in his earpiece
"No no don't close your eyes yet" Kartik said shaking her , but her body looked to weak to react.
I was frozen on my spot. Seeing her like this felt like something was breaking inside me with every passing second. And it hurts. It hurt bad.

"Doctors are here, take her to the medical room " Salman sir said and without a second thought I picked her in my arms rushing towards the medical room. 

"Avneet just don't slip away from me" I pleaded looking at her now almost closed eyes.

She looked at me and smiled weakly 

"I didn't gave up" was the last thing she said before closing her eyes completely.


dandandan *serious music playing* didn't expect it, did you? 😏

Kindly drop all your joota chappals and weapons to kill Reyansh here. 

Also if u r confused , Salman khan had entered inside the house when Siddharth was punching Reyansh (He does that sometimes as the sets are just besides each other) 

But the main question, what will happen now? To know that stay tuned for the next chapter.

Also A very happy birthday to the Nigam brothers. May they reach heights of success. And receive every happiness in the world. 

Stay beautiful stay kind
Love you all!

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Ps: Iam really busy from past few days, so I don't really get time to reply to your comments but just so u know I read each one of them and am very thankful to each of u who takes time and comment on my story.
I generally try and use the time I have in writing new chapter instead of replying to comments, hope it is fine with u guys. You can tell me if u want the opposite then I might reply to comments first and write chapter later.

 You can tell me if u want the opposite then I might reply to comments first and write chapter later

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Published 13 September 2021


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