Chapter 17.

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~ "Keep calm and eat candy"

Avneet's pov:

How long does this guy takes to shower, It's been exactly 19mins 55 seconds . And if that's what you are wondering than yes! I am counting .
"20 minutes! It's been 20 mins already Siddharth are you planning to spend the rest of your life inside"
I screamed as I banged the door with as much energy I had and now my wrist hurt as well.
Screw this building stamina and shit Iam never gonna workout again. 
Finally I heard the door open, "At last- I but my eyes literally bulged out of their sockets when I saw him .
He was just wearing a pair of track pants while his shirt was missing from his body and 
Did I mention how fine his body is I mean just look at that toned chest and don't get me started about those perfectly defined abs -
"I know iam handsome but you can stop staring , it's creepy you know!" He interrupted startling me.
"I-I you-u , I-I " I struggled while he smirk raising an eyebrow
"You-u are-" 
"What? Hot, handsome , irresistible I know!" He interjected still smirking 
"No naked ! So it would be better if you get something to wear" I replied getting a hold on myself while he chuckled .
I quickly picked my clothes and walked towards the bathing stall
"Come on i know you like me" he shouted laughing "You wish" I replied as I stepped inside the bathroom as soon as I was about to close the door he held it from the other side
"Not even a little bit" he said winking 
"NO" I replied rolling my eyes and shut the door on his face .
"You know you do Avneet" I heard him say laughing 
"Don't worry it's not your mistake that Iam too handsome to resist" He added and I rolled my eyes (which ofc he couldn't see)
"Keep on dreaming" I replied making him laugh even harder.
This morning is getting weirder by each passing minute.

I was sitting with Naira in the garden and now when I notice I spend almost all of my time  sitting outside. 
"So now spill!" Naira said as she turned to face me
"what?" I asked not really paying attention to her I was too busy drinking this fruit smoothie Kartik made for me and boy! it tastes heavenly. (they all are being quite EXTRA cautious for my  health nowdays)
"what's up with u and Siddharth?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows and choked 
"Wha-t d-o yo-u mean" I asked coughing
"Hey careful" She said rubbing my back
"what do you mean what's up with him and me" I repeated 
" see" She trailed "I mean it looks you guys are always flirting and stuff"
"No we don't, infact he just annoys me like ...all the time" I stated
"But he calls you love" She said
"Yeah because it annoys me" 
"And you don't feel anything I mean girls would literally kill each other to hear him say love to them" She stated
And i thought about the little tingling sensation I feel  in the pit of my stomach every time he calls me that- 
"No ofc not , besides he ain't Klaus Mikaelson that i'll die just because he called me love"  I replied shaking away all the weird feeling while Naira just sighed.
"Also- but i cut her off before she could tell me more points proving something was between me and Siddharth 
"He is just a friend, and friends do tease each other." I said and she didn't argue further.
"Waise you like TVD?" she said excitedly finally noticing my Klaus Mikaelson reference
"Ofc I do, who won't?" I replied and then our never ending conversation regarding the show began . 


Siddharth's pov:

It's always fun to annoy Avneet I mean the face she makes is just so freaking cute, everything about her is just so adorable.
I glanced down at her journal I still can't decide should I read it or not
"Chuck it ! I'll just read it and we'll see what happens next" I thought and was about to open it when a sudden announcement startled me and I couldn't.

We are sitting in the Living room and Manan is reading what we have to do in our task.So basically this is a promotional task for 'Gumdrops Galore' they are one of our many sponsors  basically their are 2 teams and the one who wins this one will get an unlimited supply of all their sugar bars/ candies and every sugar product ever made for this month.

The task will be conducted in evening.
A/N  I can't think of any suitable task right now so imagine whatever u want 

So basically we won the task as expected our team was pretty strong and for now we've all got a huge basket with all of it's products, ok lots of calories coming our way these candies legit have an overcoating of sugar on them.

23 minutes later ...

I felt someone run past me next I saw a very tired looking Naira and Kartik coming 
"You stay here if she comes back i'll go behind her" Kartik said in a tired tone and Naira nodded , she then sat on the nearest couch with a thud and I gave her a confused look what is happening?

"Avneet , she shoved half of the products in the basket down her throat and now look at her!" Naira stated and I looked at her amused half of the products the basket was god damn huge, how much could this girl possibly eat and still be like that.

"What does that mean?" I asked confused

"She's small, and I guess sugar effects the little one's the most , and as you can see now she gets seriously hyper" She finished and I looked at Avneet again who was running and jumping while Kartik was trying to catch her , she's pretty short and tiny she would probably be like 5' or 5'1 .

"It's not that big of a deal though she'll soon hit her wall and crash , but we can't let her run around like this for soo long it's not good for her" She said and now I understood why were they both chasing her.


Tadadada!! I wanted to write more believe me i did but then it would have been way longer than my liking ! I would try to update next ch soon cause Iam pretty excited to write it ;)

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Stay Beautiful Stay Kind 
Love you all!

Stay Beautiful Stay Kind Love you all!

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Published on 22 July 2021


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