Chapyer 37

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~"Iam jealous of everybody who is with you, when Iam not"

Siddharth's pov:

As soon as we entered in the medical room, without wasting any time Avneet was laid on the stretcher and was taken away from another door present in the room.
I was scared would be an understatement because in all honesty I was terrifed. I was terrified something might happen to her . I was terrified of loosing her.

Reyansh was thrown out of the house, and Salman sir assured he'll be in custody , A camera present on the other side had captured the scene that had happened between Avneet and him, it wasn't much clear but clear enough to be used as a proof  against him for harming Avneet physically.

Their was an uncomfortable silence in the house, everyone was too shocked because of what had happened. 
"Iam going to bed" I murmured as I got up from the living room couch making my way towards the bedroom.
The first thing that came into my view as soon as I reached my bed was Bob.
But I didn't feel any irritation or envious feeling I'd always felt.
It somewhere felt comforting in a manner. And also a small smile made up to my face as I looked at it.

Patting it's head, I lied down on the bed closing my eyes waiting for sleep to take over me.


Some murmurs and giggles broke my sleep, though I didn't opened my eyes yet. 
I knew I was hugging someone, I smiled in my sleep thinking who else could it be apart from my 'bed partner'.
But then realization hit me. Avneet was not here she was in the hospital , then who am I hugging? 
Carefully I opened my eyes and the yellow plush toy came in my view. I jumped away from it in shock.

Then turned my head in embarrassment, only to find Naira and Kartik laying on the ground breathless from laughing.
"oh-Oh my god" Naira breathed between her laugh
"Th-is was hilarious" Kartik said wiping the tears from his eyes.

While I rushed outside the bedroom without saying a word, too humiliated to face the other two.


More than half of the day had passed. And their was still no news about Avneet.
All of us were becoming restless now and we had requested bigg boss to let us know how she was a number of time, but all went in vain.

It was becoming frustrating now, why can't the just clearly tell how she is. 

I am even jealous of the doctor right now. Because he can be with her while I can't.


After 3 Days

Avneet's pov:

I felt heavy light on my closed eyes as I squirmed a little. My head is throbbing right now but I felt someone creasing my hair and honestly it felt good.

"She had something called Hemoptysis caused by Pulmonary Embolism, which is the blockage of a major artery in the lung. If we had wasted even a few hours before she got here, she may not have made it. It's also that in combination with her Bronchitis, which is why is came in such huge quantities." I recognized the voice right away it was my doctor, Dr. Khan 

I squinted and tried to see him, but I realized I neither had my glasses nor my contacts on so everything was blurry. 

Jai was sitting besides me , as soon as he saw I was awake his face lit up and he passed me a warm smile. And continued creasing my head. How long has it been already?

"In English, that is?" Asked another voice. Naira's voice of annoyance to be exact, she's here?

Dr Khan ignored her and walked towards me. "Ah, Miss Kaur. Rise and Shine, at last."

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