Chapter 5.

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~"Sometimes you meet a person and you just click - you are comfortable around them and you don't need to pretend to be anyone or anything "

Naira's pov:
Ok honestly I was never aware that there's this weird sought of a sound that comes when there is something in the storeroom and today when it did it really scared the shit out of me .
Apparently I am too lazy to go and check what it is, so I didn't really react to it.
But ofc it didnt stopped my over enthusiastic  boyfriend from doing the same.
And we came to know it was FINALLY the dietary man! I was starving ... what do they think they were doing ...
Yeah I agree we had enough food for breakfast but still!!
So it was quite a lot for a person to carry ofc it's for 16 people, so everyone came to help with that.
There was a special packet for avneet it contained her medicines as well as some extra stuff nothing special still it was some calcium pouches and also fruits. Well honestly that girl needs it have you ever seen her, she is so tiny.

It was only some last stuffs left (including Avneet's) almost all of which I had . It was just me and that Tanya/Annaya whatever her name was.
She was walking out with nothing and let me tell you literally NOTHING .

"Umm excuse me can't u see there's still that stuff left " I said pointing at the packets with Avneet's name on it.

"Ofc I can see.. but it's not for me right so whoever it is for should be the one concerned not me" she said as she rolled her eyes..

Ok wow ! It's just the first day and she's getting on my nerves I swear I'll just dump all this stuff on her head and lock the door and leave..

And before I could execute my plan Siddharth came
"Anything else left?!" He asked as he peeped through the door

"Yeah , over there" I said gesturing where it was kept.
He entered and gave that ms whatever her name is a weird look while she batted her eyelids and left.

"Whats up with her" he asked as he picked up the stuff and examined it.

"Oh! don't get me started about that.... the girl surely has some mental problems" I said sighing as I walked out and I heard him laugh  while he
followed me.

2nd Day  10:00 am

Siddharth's pov:

Man! It really is tough i wasn't aware we have to do all this.
We all are right now sitting near the kitchen area and planning who will be doing which duty .

I dont really wan't the kitchen duty except for few dishes I don't know anything to cook.!

It was later decided the duties will be given house wise.

So now our house got breakfast and bedroom duty.
I didn't really bothered to listen others.

We were sitting in the bedroom 'planning' as we are a team now .

"Soooo......" Kartik trailed as we both exchanged confused glances Naira and Avneet seem to be indulged in some serious conversation.

"Guys! we are here as well!" Kartik said now annoyed by there behavior i was with him in this what are they discussing that too this seriously.
"Yeah so let's start" Naira said finally facing us 
"What were u guys discussing!?" Kartik asked as he raised his eyebrow

"Oh! Nothing much just finding me a new guy!" Naira said 
"What!" He gasped 
"Hey! stop, look at the poor guy" Avneet said as slapped Naira's arm lightly and she chuckled 
"Don't worry I would never support her in doing such thing, You both are my fav couple afterall" She said as she patted Kartik's shoulder sympathetically
"And also about what we were discussing....." Avneet began
"Its doesn't concern you guys " she completed.

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