Chapter 47.

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~"I just miss you, that's all."

Siddharth's pov:

Me and Kartik were sitting outside in the lounge infront of the bonfire. The girls were still dancing inside, while we were already tired. Yeah! I danced too. Avneet insisted (forced) me to.

After few minutes, Avneet came and sat on the chair besides me , wrapping her arms around mine and keeping her head on my chest. 

I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer , "Well hello there!" 
"Iam tired" She mumbled 
"We'll just leave in few minutes, okay?" I said and she nodded her head .

I then looked back at Kartik who was now joined by Naira , he had a smirk on his face while Naira sat their in awe.
"You two are too cute" She said 
"Shut up" Avneet murmured and I chuckled.

I was too engrossed in talking with Kartik, that I didn't even notice that Avneet was no longer sitting in her previous position.
I could hear her voice from behind me. I turned slightly to see who is she talking to, looking at the fact that Naira is already half asleep besides Kartik.

"Dane" I hissed through gritted teeth, argh! I almost forgot he had come.

He was sitting on the grass, talking to my girlfriend. Who was sitting down too.
She looked like she was enjoying the conversation quite a lot.

"And maybe if get enough time, we can go to ice skating" I heard him say, what? Where are they going that to together?
"Oh yeah! I always wanted to try it" Avneet replied in an excited voice. Excuse me? I thought she was tired.

"Ahm ahm!" I coughed as I turned to face the two.
"What's happening here?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

And Avneet turned towards me.
"Nothing we were just having a chat" she replied shrugging

"Weren't you tired?" I asked
"Yeah! But then Dane started talking about us going to Shimla day after tomorrow,  and I became excited" She replied

"Why the hell are you both going to Shimla?" I asked

"Are you having short term memory loss?" Avneet said with an expressionless face and i furrowed my eyebrows

"I told you we have to go for a song shoot"  She whined 

And I remembered ya, she had told me about it. She was offered a song with both me and Dane. The shooting for our song together will happen next week.

"Oh yeah, you did." I replied while she yawned nodding.
Well it was my cue I got up, and picked her up.

"Let's go , it's getting late you should sleep" I said and she wrapped her limbs around me and hummed, she waved goodbye to Dane and Kartik who was picking up now asleep Naira.

"Geez you girls really treat us as your personal coolies" I said and she scoffed.

"You are the one who keeps on carrying me. I never asked you to, I can walk myself" she replied wiggling to get out of my grasp.
But I tightened my grip.

"I never said I minded being your coolie" I replied winking making her laugh.


Avneet's pov:

"Bye!" I said as Dane loaded my suitcase in the trunk of his car.
"No" Siddharth said pouting and pulling me closer with my hoodie strings.
"Come on Siddharth stop being a baby" I replied chuckling , he looked adorable right now. And he pouted yet again.
"You are pouting" I said laughing and he changed his expressions back to normal.
"No Iam not" He said furrowing his eyebrows . 

"Okay, now finally bye. Or we'll seriously miss our flight" I said 
"Why are you going with him, I can drop you to the airport" He said.
"You have shoot Siddharth." I repeated for the umpteenth time .

"Avneet come, we are getting late" Dane shouted from the drivers seat.
"Coming" I replied back.
"See ya!" I told Siddharth as I went and sat in the car

"Wait" He came rushing as he knocked on my window, and I pulled it down.
"You forgot something" He said 
"What" I replied trying to peep through the window but he just leaned forward placing a gentle kiss on my mouth.

"I'll miss you" He whispered and my face turned red. Gosh! I'll  never get used to this.
"I'll miss you tooo- ahh!" I gasped as Dane pressed the horn.
"We are getting late" He said tapping his finger on the wheel 
"Sorry" I mumbled embarrassed 

"And Siddharth, she's just going for three days, Iam not taking her forever." Dane added
"Oh ! Well you can't even if you try" Siddharth said , and I can already feel the tension in the atmosphere. 
"Okay guys! Enough. I don't understand why are you two always this intense when around each other" I huffed while the two guys glared at each other.


"It's beautiful, I mean you can see snow everywhere. It's just so gorgeous. But also extremely cold" I said snuggling into my blanket as I talked with Naira on Video chat.
"I bet it is, Iam so jealous right now." Naira said and I chuckled.

"Well you aren't the only one, right Siddharth?" I heard Kartik shouting the three of them were hanging out together since they had shooting nearby. Before I could reply my door opened and Dane walked in.

"Avneet, come the shot is ready" He said
"Why is he in your room?" Siddharth asked suddenly appearing in the screen
"Geez chill out , he just came to call me." I replied 
"Okay will talk to you guys later, bubye!" I said and hung up.

It felt good to be on sets after so long. Though it was kind of awkward in the first few scenes but then I was comfortable. It was a romantic song, another reason it became slightly uncomfortable. But then I remembered myself I wasn't Avneet right now, I was the girl who had found this lovely boy on the streets of Shimla. With whom she was madly in love with.

Today was the last day of shoot, we will be staying one more day to go to ice skating. Siddharth wasn't really happy about it, might add. He even said that since he's free tomorrow he'll come and go ice skating with me. But ofcourse I know he was just kidding. 

He won't come by taking a two hour long flight just to go ice skating with me, right?


Tadadada! Another update. Well the number of comments are really decreasing. Not satisfied. Anyways the updates would be irregular i have my boards in just a month now. And I think I'll pass out just by thinking about it. 

How did you find the ch? Suffering from some severe writer's block right now, so please bear with the crappy chapters.

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Published on 17 October 2021-kairasidneet

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Published on 17 October 2021

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