Chapter 45.

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~ "She's magic in it's most innocent form"

Avneet's pov:

"Siddharth, You sure I mean can't we go some other day?" I asked fiddling  with my sleeves as I sat besides Siddharth in his car. He was taking me to his house, he said he wants me to meet his friends. And Iam feeling a little nervous, I was never good at meeting new people.

"No, Please I told you they're eating my head since I told them about us. And I can't tolerate them anymore ." He said and I nodded.

We decided to not make our relationship official on social media or anything yet, we also requested the management to not telecast the 'kiss' part of our dance. We know how engaged fans become in the relationship of actors. And we are giving it a try , and if by chance things don't work, they'll be equally heartbroken which we don't want.

I was pulled out of my trance by Siddharth opening the door of my side, and I smiled at him and continued playing with my hoodie strings a habit I didn't realized I had before Siddharth pointed it out.

"Come on " He said holding my hand and it sent my heart racing like always. 
"They are already here" He said looking at two bikes parked outside. 

Siddharth's house was was just as gorgeous from inside as it was from outside. Though his friends were no where to be seen when we entered.

Just as I was about ask him, we heard a loud crash followed by a string of curses and shouting. 
I looked at Siddharth and he face palmed while headed towards from where the commotion was coming from.

Before us were two guys wrestling on the floor, while their were packets of chips and some empty coke bottles scattered on the couch . And fortnite display screen flashed on the television.

"Guys, will you stop." Siddharth hissed embarrassed and I chuckled at his expression.

Listening to his voice the two guys stopped and looked in our direction. They immediately stood from the ground and leaped on Siddharth almost knocking him over. 
One of them looked at me and passed me a polite smile which I reciprocated.

"Finally, You are back " The other one spoke and then turned towards me

"And you must be Avneet" He said I nodded hesitantly 
"Hi" I said and he grinned
"Damn! you look prettier in person, I wonder how you agreed to date him" He said and I laughed awkwardly not knowing how to respond.

"Iam Blake, the most good looking of us three I must add" He added and winked in my direction and I chuckled. While Siddharth kicked him from behind
"Stop hitting on my girlfriend you idiot" He said and Blake turned towards him with a fake hurt expression.

"Aww you jealous that Iam not hitting on you instead Siddy boi" He said wiggling his eyebrows and I tried to stiffen my laughter.
"Uh! Shut up Blake" The other guy interrupted , whose name I realized I don't know yet.
"Noah" He said forwarding his hand which I shook.

Noah seems more like a sweet guy while Blake seems the playful one. And boy they are so damn fun to be around. They weren't from the industry though, they told me three of them have been friends since school.

I was right now sitting on the couch squished between Blake and Noah, while Siddharth was on the couch opposite.

"Awh! You are adorable little V" Blake said laughing as he stole another one of my cookie and I hit his hand making him drop it and he pouted.

Before you ask, Blake felt that little A sounded a bit off, and this name was too good to let go so he chose the second letter of my name. Weird I know, but that's what Blake is for you.

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