Chapter 23.

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~"I promise I'll do whatever I can to bring a smile to your face"


Day 52

Siddharth's pov:
Ah! What time is it , I thought as my sleep broke . I didn't felt like opening my eyes just yet, it was certainly quiet I don't think lights have turned on.

My stomach did a weird flip when I realized something soft was touching my hand.
I carefully opened my eyes and glanced down at my hand.

Well did I ever told you guys how much I hate Bob.
If I didn't then iam telling it now ,.
Why is it always have to be HIM.

I quickly withdrew my hand away from besides it. And threw the comforter on my face.
Gosh what is wrong with me!

5:45 pm
Avneet's pov:

"You'll have to submit your stuff toy in the storeroom" Kartik told me and I felt my  face fell.

It was the sacrifice task going on , almost everyone had done what they were told to saving the person from nomination. And to save Kartik from nominating to eliminate I'll have to give Bob.
And I will do it, I don't know how Iam gonna sleep . But I won't let him land in nomination because of me.
"okay!" I said and made my way towards the bedroom.
"Avneet! It's ok you don't have to-" He began but I interrupted
"Oh do hell with the formalities , Iam doing it because I want to!" I said and he went quiet nodding slowly.
"Iam just happy they don't want me to destroy it" I added and kept it in the storeroom.
"Thankyou Avneet!" Kartik said taking me in a hug.
"It's okay! I know you would have done the same." I said
"Ofcourse I would" He said and I grinned

We both then walked back in the garden joining the others.
Siddharth surprisingly looked quite happy, huh! what is there to be happy about.

"What?" I asked looking at him and he shook his head 
"Then why are you grinning like that" I asked and he again shook his head
"idiot" I mumbled

Well now the good thing is non of us is nominated this week

11:48 pm

I was sitting on my couch in the garden and gazing at the sky, like always .
"Come I want to show you something " siddharth said suddenly appearing 
"What" I asked suddenly startled
"Just come, I know you'll like it" he said and I gave him a confused expression but got up .

"What the hell!" I spoke as soon as I saw what it was , There were a lot of stuff piled on each other making a way towards the roof?
"Siddharth are you planning to escape the house?" I asked worriedly 
"What happened , is something wrong ? Did someone say anything to you? You can tell me. Is anything wrong at your home?" I said in one breath
"Hush! Calm down, everything is fine and Iam not escaping for god's sake" He said chuckling 
"Wait and see" He said and started climbing , soon enough he was already up.
"Come on!" He said looking at me
"Are you mad? Iam not doing this" I told giving him a horrified expression
"Come on, Avneet what's a life without some risks" He said and after a few mins of convincing I gave in and started climbing . Siddharth pulled me up when I was in the range of his hand.

"God! I can literally feel my heart hammering right now" I said as I carefully sat besides him and he chuckled.
"Hope you are not planning to throw me off here" I said looking at him jokingly
"How did you know? That's what I was planning to do" He said with his expression dead serious and I gulped , he then gave my back a little nudge and I quickly grabbed his arm gasping.
He burst out laughing while i slapped his arm "jerk" I said and he chuckled

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