Chapter 39.

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"I never craved attention, until I tasted yours"

Siddharth's pov

"Kartik, as your time was the farthest away from 4 min. You'll have to leave us all today" Bigg boss said and the line we were all dreading to hear. 
I looked at Kartik he had a smile on his face as he got up. Wow! Still smiling, I would've been pissed at myself. The guy literally lost due to 5 seconds.
His time was 6 min 25 seconds while Dane's was 6 min 20 seconds. 

"Ok than, that's it I guess." Kartik said , Naira looked that she would start crying any second.
"No" She sniffed "Don't go" She added.
"Bu-" Kartik began but she again interrupted. "Stay pl-ease" And she was crying now.

"Aww I can't baby, come on it's just 1 week" He said sitting besides her and pulling her in his lap.
"I'll miss you" Naira said her voice coming out muffled
"I'll not, finally peace" He replied playfully 
"You are so mean" She replied hitting him on the chest and he chuckled. 
"You know I'll miss you too" He said putting a gentle kissing her forehead  

I turned to face Avneet expecting her to be sitting with hearts in her eyes like always, but she had tears flowing down her face. 
"Oh! Why are you crying now" I said which came more like a whine.
"They are so adorable" She cried
"But what is in there to cry?" I asked still confused
"I don't know, Iam not good with goodbyes" She said wiping her face.

"Oh my gosh, come here you kiddo" Kartik said as he hugged her
"Who said it's a good bye, we'll hang out once you all are out of here" He said ruffling her hair
"And" He said pulling away
"You are not allowed to cry, you just recovered" He scolded and Avneet nodded 

"Hope you'll not start crying " Kartik said turning towards me
"I don't love you that much." I replied and he laughed
"Yeah! I know someone you love that much though, and Iam clearly not her" He said smirking and I glared at him. "Shut up" I hissed
"Come on! Are you still in denial." He exasperated 
"Ah! maybe not" I replied flushed and his smirk returned

"I knew you were smarter than that. So you love her?" He asked excitedly
"I don't know love is still a strong word." I replied scratching my neck. It's not that my feelings for her are less, it's just I don't want to rush things. These type of feelings are new for me.

"It's ok, you should take your time. But Iam happy for you guys"" He replied
"What do you mean by 'you guys' I don't even know if she likes me back." I confessed something I've been afraid from the moment I realized my feelings.

"Trust me on this one" He assured before I could ask anything further Avneet interrupted 
"What are you guys gossiping about" She asked raising her eyebrow
"Nothing" I replied quickly and she gave me a skeptical look then whispered something to Naira and both giggled. 

It was finally Kartik's time to leave, he gave me and Avneet a last hug while Naira a quick kiss.
"All the best guys, see you soon" He said as he exited.



It was THE FINALE today. Everyone was nervous as well as excited. Yesterday when I saw my journey video it was literally magical. I realized how far we've all come. What all we've gained what all we lost. It had the most amazing moments I've spent here with everyone. 
But it also had all the fights I've had, my loss of patience in every situation most of the time made things go worse. And it looked BAD. It really did. I need to work on it. 

The only time I don't regret showing my aggression was with that fucking Reyansh. When that part came I had clenched my fist so hard that my knuckles had become white. 
After that I went and gave a hug to Dane as well, as a token to end and leave our 'rivalry'  in the house . Which I might add was not my idea Avneet FORCED me to do it.

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