Chapter 29.

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"where flowers bloom, so does hope"

Avneet's pov:

"Damn! That was hilarious , to be honest." I said falling on Siddharth laughing , while he just shoved me away scowling.
"I know right. The expression on Jai's face was priceless." Naira said joining me.
"But who was he talking about, I mean Siddharth you never told you had a girlfriend." Kartik said and I felt his expressions harden towards the last part, something similar to Jai's . 

"Oh! It is one interesting story. Let me do the honors" I said and Siddharth glared at me.
"No need, I don't want you to spice it up according to your liking" He said and I stuck my tongue at him and began the 'tale of Siddharth's girlfriend(s)'

"So basically she was one of the many  girlfriends Siddharth have" I said.

"What!! How many girls are you exactly dating?" Naira said now horrified

"Thats the reason I wasn't allowing you to speak" he said throwing his hands in the air and i giggled

"I mean one of the many girlfriends siddharth have had dated ." I corrected

"Basically a crazy ex" he cleared

"Yeah! So they broke up few weeks before he had to come here" I stated

"But she as I said  was crazy and followed me everywhere, addressing me as her boyfriend basically to anyone she could see. I don't think she even spared the street dogs." Siddharth said annoyed and I controlled my laugh.

Naira and Kartik stared at him with blank expression but then burst out laughing joined by me ofc.

"Oh god !! you are I some deep shit man"  Naira said now clutching her stomach .

"But maybe she really liked you , you know" Kartik suggested getting a hold on his laughing self.

"Na! Ofc not , she was just with me cause she wanted to get in the industry" Siddharth said nonchalantly

"How can you say it as if it's no big deal. I mean didn't you felt used?" I asked

"Ofcourse not I already knew it. Besides I didn't even liked her" he said and I frowned

"Then why did you date her?" I asked 

"I don't know it was just, u know I don't know" He said and I furrowed my eyebrows, What type of answer was that?

"Because being single doesn't go with your whole 'badboy persona' " Naira said air quoting the last words and Siddharth shrugged.

"You never liked any of the girls you dated?" I asked quite bewildered.  

"Na! Not yet atleast" He said 

"Damn! your standards are high" I said chuckling awkwardly

"Why suddenly so interested in my standards love?  I know you like me b-"
"Shut up ! I don't like you" I said looking away
"Not even a little bit" He said leaning closer and I gulped, gosh why does he has to be so good looking.

"Ok! guys as much as i hate to interfere " Naira said popping in between.
"We are still here" She said gesturing to herself and Kartik 
"And so are cameras, so if you want to do any such things. Take it there" She said pointing at my fav corner (the one with no cameras), making my face heat up.

Siddharth's pov:
"Ok so now Avneet you tell. What about your love life, any boyfriends?" Kartik asked smirking in my direction, I felt a little nervous for her answer. What if she already has a boyfriend. 

"Nopes. No one. I mean I've dated a couple of guys in high school, but since I was mostly homeschooled because of my health. It didn't quite workout. And ofcourse another reason being my overprotective twin. I mean , I found out a lot later that he used to threaten anyone he found out was interested in me to stay away or he'll make them regret it." She said and my eyes widened in horror. And the image of cold expression he gave me back then replayed in my head.

"Well you are in a tough space then" Kartik whispered to me 
"Taking on the fact that your first impression was quite amazing to Jai" He added and I found myself nodding.

It was around midnight everyone was asleep. I know their was a reason to why Avneet never mentioned Jai. 
Opening her journal I skimmed through pages to spot the page Iam looking for. And I finally came across this.

"He won't let me go. He said that. I finally confronted Reyansh on why was he trying to control my life. He didn't respond at first , so I told him Iam leaving and almost made it through the front door. Just as I was about to step out someone harshly grabbed my arm and I pulled me . I exactly knew who it was. I tried to free myself and in the struggle hit my head at something , then I blacked out.
When I woke up , I was back in the same room. And Reyansh was sitting besides me. "You are up" He had said creasing my cheeks , while I jerked my head away. Like his touch burned my skin.
"Don't do this Avneet. You know how much I love you" He told making me stun.
"You rejected me back then , saying you just saw me as a friend. But not now" He said his eyes getting darker. "Are you kidding me it was in high school. Get over it" 
But his expressions told me I had lost my bestfriend, the day I rejected his proposal .
"I won't work according to you. You can't control my life. I am going" I said getting up when he said something that froze me on my spot.

"How's Jai? Hope he's doing good" 
"Yeah he is" I said hesitantly
"Because if you don't listen to me. He won't stay good for long"
"Don't you dare" I tried to threaten him but I was shaking myself, but he had already left. 

I striked every line where I had mentioned Jai in this journal, but I knew it was of no use. He exactly knew where he was, the ways in which he can harm my brother scared me.

Iam not leaving right now , but I will soon find a way to. I hope .

I completed reading the entry and a sudden rage towards this Reyansh enveloped my body. I swear I'll smash his face if he ever comes infront of me. It was safe to say that the guy was a psycho. 
Also the fact Avneet had written it like she was actually describing an incident to her mother shows what this journal means to her, I suddenly felt guilty of reading it without her permission. 

But as it is said, curiosity kills the cat . I turned the page to read further.

Tadada!! Things coming out. Well finally Reyansh's truth came out. Now now as Siddharth has decided to continue reading. You might get to know a bit more in upcoming chapters ;)

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Stay Beautiful, Stay Kind
Love you all

Stay Beautiful, Stay KindLove you all

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Published on 24 August 2021


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