The Dressing Room Game

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We wrap for the day as the sun is setting, and Paris leads us to our dressing rooms. On the walk back I think about how good my own clothes will feel against my skin after such a long day. I feel proud; I survived the desert heat and did the best work I could to portray the character Hannah had in mind. We approach the small shack that holds only a few rooms, and I accept that this will be our office for the next week.

"You guys did great today, I love this vision so much, Hannah!" Paris exclaims. "After you two get changed, meet me out here again, and I'll have a cruiser ready to pick us up." Paris walks away, so it's only Hannah and I standing in the main door frame. She looks down and says, "Bet you can't wait to get out of all of this right?" as she motions to our outfits and opens the door. "Just one big swoop and poof — it'll all be gone like magic," I say as I pretend to grab my entire outfit and take it off with just one hand. We get to our own respective doors, and before we enter Hannah looks at me and proposes, "If you're truly magic, then let's play a game. The first one to meet Paris outside wins." Just as I'm about to say, "And what does the winner get?" Hannah is already slamming her door. I yell out, "HEYYYYY!" And quickly rush into mine. I look in the mirror at my beige trousers and think for a split second, "Honestly, these are a look." I take them off immediately followed by the brown leather boots I was put in. Just from removing these two pieces I already feel about 22 degrees cooler. The rest comes off and is swapped out for my pair of corduroy shorts, an oversized tourist sweatshirt from a past vacation, and off-white Vans. I place everything as neatly (and quickly) as I can back on the wardrobe rack. I run out and toss the door closed behind me, taking only a few more steps to reach the main entrance of our "office hut". As I'm fixing my fresh outfit with one hand, I swing open the door with my other, and there I see Hannah and Paris looking down at their wrists, pretending to check their imaginary watches. Tapping her feet, Hannah looks up with a smirk on her face and says, "Sorry, lover, I won." 

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