Hellos and Good Mornings

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Promptly at 5:30 AM I'm awoken to not just my alarm, but a second alarm in the distance... and then suddenly a third vibrating near me? I feel disoriented for a moment as I stare at the ceiling and can't recognize it for a second. I go to sit up straight to take in the room and brush my hair out of my face, but my arm is caught underneath something. I look down, "OH, that's right. Last night," I say softly to myself with a small smile, looking down at my girlfriend who fell asleep on the couch with me in Paris's hotel room after a night of pasta and Pixar.

After my realization moment, I move around a bit to try and break my arm free of Hannah so I can start getting ready, plus gently start waking her up too for work. "Hiiiiiiii, good morning," I whisper into her ear and plant a wobbly kiss on her cheek, as my brain's still not quite up either. "Nooooo," She teases with her eyes still closed, then lunges at me and hides her face in my neck. I let out a raspy giggle and pry her off of me, because if I don't I know we'll both be late to set. "Come on angel, later, I promise," I coax her as I begin to stand up from the couch, reaching for her arms so I can pull her up with me.

Within seconds Paris emerges from her bedroom, fully dressed for the day, bag on shoulder, and coffee in hand— where and when did she get that? It's FIVE IN THE MORNING? "Let's go, pretties! Oh, and good morning! Or should I say afternoon? I've been up since 3:30 and already ate breakfast and got my workout in." She yells over to us as she heads to the kitchen to pick up a file folder off the counter and tucks it into her bag. "Wow, and I thought I was a morning person? That woman is elite." I joke to Hannah. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," she replies while still trying to wake up.

Paris walks us out of her room and leads us back to our rooms just a few steps away so we can get changed and grab our stuff for the day. We get into our rooms and both put on a fresh change of comfy clothes since we only have to wear them to set and back home since we'll get changed into wardrobe after breakfast once we arrive there. I pack up my bag as quickly as I can with the usual vitamins, phone charger, protein bar, and books. I closed the door behind me and let out a steady breath, "Whew, four minutes might be my new record," I say to Paris who stood outside of our doors in the hallway and waited. "It really might be. Plus, you beat princess today. You're learning quick!" Paris proudly taps my nose and makes me feel like her little productive prodigy. We wait a few more moments for Hannah to finish up in her room. Before long she's out with us, but I decided to tease her for a moment, "If all it took was for you being my girlfriend to make me faster than you, I would've asked you my first day on set. Would've beat ya in the dressing room game." Hannah laughs with her sleepy eyes and playfully hits my arms. "Shhhhh. I'll beat you next time and still be your girlfriend." She kisses my cheek while leaning her body into mine, then takes my hand into hers as we follow Paris down the hallway to leave.

We get down into the lobby and head outside to wait for the cruiser to pick us up. We wait in comfortable silence, all huddled next to each other as even the outskirts of the desert is cold in the morning. The cruiser arrives in a few minutes and as it pulls up Hannah is the first to make her way towards it. She reaches for the door handle and quickly spins her head around and says, "Back," which signals for me to follow her into the backseat. As we hop in together, I catch a smirk on Paris's face because of Hannah's backseat choice and can't help but smile to myself. It's something so small but something so big.

As the drive continues and we make our way off of the paved roads and deeper into the desert, the sun begins to rise and we can already feel its heat. The tires on the sand make it feel like we're sitting on a water bed, and I catch myself having to break out of a sleepy state again. I feel Hannah's head perched on my shoulder and can feel her small breaths on my neck, which makes me think she's already sleeping again. Paris is quiet in the front, flipping through pages from her file, probably reviewing our schedule for today.

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