So Good

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So Good. Only two words to perfectly describe how the walk back to the hotel felt. Hand-in-hand with my now girlfriend, Hannah. It felt easy, right, content, worry-free; so good. The clouds above us dissipated into pieces, and the sky above it all was the faintest periwinkle with a tinge of gold; it felt like looking up at Heaven's Gates itself, with the prettiest angel at my side. We enjoyed the stroll back in comfortable silence, our fingers intertwined saying all that needed to be said. Occasionally, we'd look back up at each other in a "no way you're real AND mine" type of way. The smiles that broke through our cheeks when we caught the other staring were reminiscent of middle school euphoria.

Right before we reached the hotel, Hannah turned our bodies flush to face each other. While both of our hands were tangled up in each other's, she spoke up, "I'm so relieved you said yes, otherwise I simply would've had to kidnap you." While letting out a playfully fearful laugh, I began to ponder what that would look like. Hannah picking me up and throwing me over her shoulder, and then what? Maybe taking me and tossing me into a gorgeous room at one of her many homes, having to tie me up because I won't sit still. Hannah tying me up? Hannah tying me up. Maybe I'd totally let her take me— "Rowan? Hi, you know I'm joking... well slightly." Hannah lets out a faint giggle but looks a bit concerned as she waves her hand in front of my face to snap me out of where I am. "Oh, pshhh. Yeah, no, I'm good. Totally good." My response is way too overtly chill that it warrants an interrogation from Hannah. "You sure you're good? You mentally checked out for a few seconds after I joked—" "Yeah, I know. That's because being tied up by you somewhere didn't seem so bad." Oh, well, you know we can make that happen now. And it doesn't require you saying "no" to being my girlfriend." Hannah shows me a soft smile; it's so soft that I can't read what she's going to do or say next. Then, she begins trailing her fingers up my arm. As she reaches the top of my shoulder, she moves her fingers over to dig them slightly into the softest part of my neck. She continues with a whisper into my ear, "...I can punish you for other things."

As I let out a deep gulp and the faintest moan, both of our phones chime at the same time. We both groan at the interruption and toss our heads back. We release each other's hands to peak at our screens. Hannah looks up at me, "Groupchat text from Paris, right?" I quickly reply with a, "Yeah," while still looking at my phone, trying to read what Paris sent to the both of us:

"Hi, my pretties! How are you two! I haven't seen you both much today on our day off, I miss your faces too much. Be at my room within the next hour for a special surprise and evening treat!"

"Wait until you see all the PASTAbilities for you two! ;-)"




We finish reading the texts at the same time and look up at each other with humored grins. Hannah laughs and says, "Classic Paris. She's the world's cutest aunt-mom who is neither an aunt nor a mom." "No zia, no mamma, but a topolina!" Hannah, with a puzzled look on her face, asks me, "A what?!" I eagerly reply, "A mouse! She's our precious little busy mouse!"

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