You Can See It With The Lights Out

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Before I realize my eyes are closing, Hannah catches me drifting off to sleep in the middle of Ratatouille. "You tired, baby?" Hannah whispers gently to me. This was the first time I ever heard her call me "baby" and mean it in a genuine context. The swell of my heart from the sound it causes me to snap out of my tired haze. I quickly adjust myself from my slouched position and try to sit up straight, "No, no, no, I'm awake, see?!?!" Hannah giggles at my efforts and says, "You know, if you're tired, we can head back to my room to sleep. We do have work in the morning after all."

Our whispers between each other cause Paris to pause the movie, "Is everything okay? I hear two little rats chatting off-screen." In my typical people-pleasing ways, I immediately speak up first to assure her everything is A-Okay, "Oh, everything's okay; it's actually perfect! Hannah and I were just joking around a bit because I was resting my eyes, or so I'm told." Paris smiles softly and laughs, "You know, you two can fall asleep here right? We can have... A SLEEPOVER! You can stay on the couch or take the spare room—," Hannah interrupts, "Wait, Paris, are you kidding me right now? Not only do you have a full-size kitchen with a family dinner table in here, but YOU ALSO HAVE A SPARE BEDROOM? THIS IS A HOTEL, PARIS?!" Paris tilts her head, reaches for her wine glass to take a sip with her eyes squinted, then proceeds, "And, what? I deserve it." She takes another sip then continues, "So what's your pick?"

Hannah and I huddle even closer together as if to discuss the answer to a final question on a game show. I ask her, "What are we thinking? I'm kinda liking the couch situation. Plus it's so big that we can fit about 7 versions of ourselves here, and maybe even my family's dogs too." Hannah nods in agreement and speaks up on our behalf, "We'll take the couch." Paris quickly replies with, "The couch it is." She gets up and grabs extra blankets and pillows for both of us. After giving them to us and making sure we're comfortable, she says, "I think I'm going to head to bed as well, we have an early day tomorrow, and now I'll get to wake you both up bright and early with me. Mwahahaha. Goodnight my darlings!" Paris heads off into her room as Hannah and I snuggle up together and attempt to finish watching the end of the movie.

"You gonna fall asleep again already?" Hannah teases me as she sees me slouching down again into the couch. In protest, I reply, "No! No! No!" I pause as I see Hannah raising her eyebrow at me, signaling for me to just damn say it. "Okay, well, maybe. Honestly, maybe. I might." Hannah puffs out a laugh at my poor articulation of the word "yes", then replies, "It's fine, I just needed to know so I can do this." She signals for me to lay down on my side, which I do. Then, within seconds, I feel her put her arms around my waist from behind. I feel the sides of my body tingling from the way we fit and where her hands are resting on me. Euphoria and calmness swirl around my body, both staying at 50% each, causing me to close my eyes but keep a huge grin on my face. Hannah must've peaked over to see this, and whispers into my ear, "I can see it too, even with the lights out. Goodnight," and plants a kiss on my cheek. I feel so seen, heard, and safe at this moment that it gives me the drive to be a bit bold. I flip over in one swoop to turn and face Hannah. "Can I say goodnight to you now?" She smiles as she knows what might be coming next because I'm predictable even in my surprises. I close the small remainder of space between our faces and kiss her lips, letting our tongues feel inside each other's mouths. We kiss passionately in a heated late-night state of bliss, and let our lips go anywhere and everywhere they desire. We stay like that for a few minutes, letting our movements get sloppy out of tiredness, gripping onto each other with our hands to steady ourselves.

We both pull away with swollen lips, flushed cheeks, and heavy stars in our eyes. I shut mine to let the tiredness win, as I'm content enough to sleep now. "Goodnight," I say slowly to Hannah, as we fall asleep holding each other in our arms, fitting like a puzzle.

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