Water is Good

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We arrive at the hotel, and Paris jokingly escorts us out of the cruiser. She reaches for our hands to "help" us jump out of the back. "One at a time. Easy does it. Slow and steady. LEAP!" Hannah and I jump out and raise our eyebrows at each other to acknowledge Paris's tipsy state. "Somebody had fun tonight, huh?" Hannah says to Paris as we begin to walk into the lobby. "Maybe I did. I deserve some fun. I AM FUN!" At this point, we can't control our laughter, mainly because Paris just keeps affirming her Cool Aunt Energy, but also because we're delirious from exhaustion. "I'm gonna need some keys for my two pretty princesses here. Thank you, you wonderful angel." Paris professes with a wink to the front desk manager. "Rooms 12 and 13 for the princesses, and number 14 for the queen." He says slyly back to Paris. "Oh, thank you, my royal king." (If you've seen The Prom on Netflix, Paris is radiating Dee Dee Allen energy here, BIG TIME.)

As we wait for the elevator to go up to our rooms, Paris says, "He's cute. He was cute, right? I think he was. Charming man. Definitely, right?" Hannah and I look to each other and turn our backs to Paris, huddling together and whispering to pretend we're having a private meeting to discuss the matter. "She's rarely ever this drunk, so savor this moment." Hannah giggles into my ear. "Oh, it's definitely a wonderful sight," I whisper back into hers. "Let's turn back around on the count of three, and say "OH. HE IS SOOOO CUTE CUTE, PARIS!"




"HE IS SOOOOO CUTE CUTE, PARIS!!!!!" We exclaim in unison.

We all jump, laugh, and huddle next to Paris, like little kids at recess, knowing damn well we are fueling her drunken state.

The elevator opens up and we take it up to find our rooms. Paris sprints ahead of us down the hallway and finds number 14. "GOOOOOOODNIGHT MY PRETTIESSSSSSS. I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEEEEEP. TA TA!" She accidentally slams her door a little too loud behind her.

"God, she's gonna be such a treat tomorrow." Hannah puffs out. "It was worth it for tonight, though. What a show!" I laugh and pretend to clap. We slowly approach our doors; rooms 12 and 13, and Hannah and I take our time trying to figure out how the key works. "Oh, yeah, this side." I say out loud to myself as I fumble with it from nerves. I get my door open and look over to Hannah to say goodnight, and see she's had her door open and has been watching me struggle. "You good?" She jokes. "Oh, yeah yeah yeah. I'm good. Just doors and keys, you know. Doors and keys." She replies, "Oh, yes, those damn doors and keys." We share an awkward, tensioned laugh. "Well goodn—" I'm about to say as she interrupts, "You should come into mine for a bit." I reply a bit anxiously, "Oh, yeah sure, thanks!" This is exactly what I want, yet I'm being so damn weird about it. I just want to scream, "YES. YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES. PLEASE I CAN'T WAIT TO GO INTO YOUR ROOM WITH YOU AND LISTEN TO YOU SPEAK AND LAY DOWN NEXT TO YOU, HEAR ABOUT YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS." But, instead, my ass is awkwardddddd. "You don't have to if you don't want to." She says back, sounding a bit depleted. "Oh, no, I really really do. Sorry if I ever seem weird. Sometimes I get in my own head." I say back truthfully. "Well, come in, let's talk about it?" "I'd like that, a lot," I reply.

Hannah flicks the lights on, "So fresh, so clean." She says as she does a little dance further into the room. She beats me to the bed as I'm still slowly walking over. "Come. Sit. I don't bite. You always seem so afraid around me. Am I that scary?" She pats the spot seated next to her on the bed while laughing. I walk over to where she's sat and instead choose to stand right in front of her. I begin to let a more dominant side of myself take over. Her eyes widen as I linger there for a second. I reach down to cup her chin, and say back softly, "You aren't scary." I let out a gentle laugh. "You're just so perfect," I say gently while maintaining eye contact with her, then take a glance at her lips. She has a look of shock glazing her eyes over, almost like she was waiting for this moment. I release her chin and take a seat next to her, breaking the tension for myself. "So, what's the weather looking like tomorrow?" I ask with a small smile on my face. She blinks a few times and says, "Oh... um. It's. It'll probably be really hot again." At this point, with the way her voice sounds uneasy, I worry I was too much. This is the reason I don't express my feelings. She is my boss. One of the biggest pop stars on the planet right now. Am I being unprofessional? When did I get like this? All of these thoughts start reeling in my brain, and I feel so terrible.

"Oh, okay. Well, we'll all get through it. Water is good." I say as I hurriedly begin to get up to head to my room... TO CRY. "Water is good? What the fuck?" I ask myself. "Well, have a good sleep, Hannah. See you tomorrow!" I say in the most forced platonic tone, using the last of my energy to maintain an ounce of composure before I completely turn my back on her to leave the room. I close her door behind me then swing mine open, immediately shutting it closed as if I just saw a ghost. I throw myself on the bed and look up to the ceiling and ask myself, "What am I doing?"

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