Take Me To The Lake

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Paris, Hannah, and I pull up to dinner in the cruiser for the last time; we arrive at the restaurant we went to on the first night of filming. I feel a wave of nostalgia come over me as I hop out onto the pavement and take a deep breath. The rainbow string lights, smell of fresh ingredients and smoke, and sounds of ice being tossed on loop for serving endless margaritas through the night; it all feels the same but brand-new. I realized I've changed quite a bit in just a short week as I study all the aspects of the restaurant that past Rowan saw first.

The three of us make our way over to the other cruisers that arrive carrying the rest of the crew. We all greet and hug, sharing smiles and laughs as if we didn't just see each other 30 minutes ago; it's the kind of emotional sharing that comes from delirium after you've just spent a week together working for the entertainment industry in the desert heat.

Hannah and I reach for each other's hands at the same time and let out a laugh. "You know what they say about great minds," I tease. "That they're small?" Hannah teases back with a wink and kisses my cheek. We walk down the path to the outdoor tables following the crew, the two of us trailing behind with our hands intertwined. This feels natural, easy, and content; feelings I was struggling to find all day. It's as if we're just heading out to dinner with friends, not us being co-workers turned lovers that just worked their last shift together and have no clue what's next. Later, later, later. Here, right now, with her.

I gaze over to Hannah following my self-soothing thoughts and can't help but smile. Her. Hannah. I take in her features all over again as if we just met. The most perfect deep eyes that simultaneously look like the ocean and sky in the middle of July; they're full of such emotion, energy, and passion, you'd swear she was a human firework. Her dainty fingers and soft skin holding onto me right now, making me question if they're even there at all; gentle, light, and so smooth. Golden hair highlighted by silver jewelry and gems, the way it holds onto even the faintest breeze that passes by. Gosh, I think I've known her a thousand times. Hannah catches me staring, but I'm shamelessly wrapped up in my state of bliss; I can't avert my eyes even if I tried to right now. "You see something you like?" She whispers into my ear and tightens her grip around my hand. I swallow and release a breath, then slowly whisper back, "Yeah. I think I found wonderland."

We all arrive at the table, but I notice the crew looking around. I follow their curiosity and begin peaking around too. Oh? That's why they're looking. There aren't any other people dining back here, we must've gotten super lucky—" Within not even five seconds, Paris makes an announcement. She stands from her seat while lifting up her champagne glass into the air. "Attention, my beautiful lovely people; my friends, my family by choice. I am so glad to have you all here tonight. Are you glad to be here too?" Everyone feeds into Paris's dramatics and cheers in unison as if she was a performer on stage opening up for her world tour. "I SAID... ARE YOU GLAD TO BE HERE TOO?!?!?!" The crew erupts with claps and howls, making the energy elevate by about 900%. She feeds off this, and yells, "LET'S DO THIS!" Music immediately starts pounding through the speakers, followed by lights flashing with the beat. Waiters begin swarming out with margaritas, champagne, and finger foods. Hannah and I lean into each other and cannot stop laughing at the group of 30 somethings surrounding us as they throw their hands into the air to some Cardi B. It's as if we just entered someone's college boyfriend's frat party. Hannah speaks into my ear since the only thing coursing through the air are the lyrics to Bodak Yellow. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. SHE BOOKED OUT THE WHOLE BACK PATIO?!" Hannah turns her head back to allow me my turn to speak into her ear, as if we are basically playing tin-can telephone in the same room, "THAT'S WHY IT WAS SO EMPTY WHEN WE GOT HERE. WE WEREN'T JUST "LUCKY", THE WORK OF A MADWOMAN WAS BEHIND THIS!" We laugh together and take a sip of our champagne. A moment passes after we place down our glasses, then Hannah speaks up, "FUCK IT, WANNA DANCE WITH ME?" Hannah asks as she stands up from her chair and drinks the rest of her champagne in one quick swoop. She reaches her hand out to mine, and I eagerly jump up and take it. We head to the middle of the patio that is cleared out as a dance floor. A waiter passes by us with margaritas, and I take one and sip it quick. "WOW, SOMEONE'S DRINKING TONIGHT? WHAT A HISTORICAL MOMENT IN TIME!" I laugh at Hannah's comment and finish it up quickly, because WHY NOT GET A LITTLE TIPSY? I raise my empty glass into the air and kiss her lips. "DAMN, SOMEONE TAKE MY PICTURE WITH HER!" She says aloud, but it's only heard by me. I can't stop laughing at her ridiculousness, which is definitely already partially alcohol-induced. Hannah spots Erika and yells over to her, "ERIKA, COME HERE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. CAN YOU PLEASE TAKE A PICTURE OF ME WITH MY BABYYYYYYYY." Erika immediately starts jumping up and down in excitement and makes her way over to us. Hannah clumsily tosses her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek. I'm not gonna lie, I kinda really fucking love this right now. I smile for the photo as Hannah's lips stay planted on me, and Erika, who is also already quite drunk too, drops the phone as it's flashing. Hannah pulls away from me to pick it up because Erika is struggling to bend down from her lack of balance. Hannah picks it up as if it's a piece of gold, and holds it in front of Erika's face as they marvel at it together. They stay silent for a moment, taking in the details of it like cavewomen... then the giggles begin. They ERUPT in laughter, finding the dropped phone HILARIOUS. They laugh into each other's faces, almost at a frequency surpassing the Nelly Furtado song now playing. After their lungs and cheeks tire from the laughter, Erika speaks up, "OKAY OKAY, AGAIN AGAIN. I GOT THIS, I PROMISEEEEEEE!!!" Hannah laughs her way over to me and does the same pose. I feel her warm arms around me, but then she stops. She giggles again and pulls away, "WHAT? WHAT IS IT, BABE?" I ask her. "YOU... I.." She pauses, then continues, "LOOK, ERIKA!" I feel Hannah take my chin in her hand and turns my right side to face Erika. There is a red lipstick kiss smeared ALL over my cheek. "MARKED BY YOURS TRULY!" She happily exclaims as we all laugh once more. Hannah releases my chin and tries wrapping her arms around me again, then tries to plant a kiss in the same spot back on the stain. I get butterflies and smile for the photo again. Erika takes it successfully this time, and announces, "OH GOD, YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE IT'S SICKENING," She brings the phone over to us as we all look at it together. "DAMN, SHE'S RIGHT!" I say to Hannah and smile. Hannah's energy suddenly gets a bit more serious while looking at the photo. She looks up at me with her eyes glazed over and speaks softly despite the music, "I really super like you."

Our moment is interrupted by the crew's cheers. We spin around to try and find what they're celebrating over and get in on the action. Within seconds, Hannah and I spot it at the same time:

Oh, dear God...

We see Paris in front of the karaoke table MAKING OUT with one of the waiters and waving her scarf in the air like a damn victory flag. Hannah and I gasp at what we are seeing. Our faces are blank from shock at such a sight, "SHOULD WE STOP HER?!" I ask Hannah. "I... I.. I DON'T THINK SO?" She replies. We stand still for a moment together, then immediately join in with the rest of the crew cheering and clapping. I let out a, "WOOOOO!" and Hannah follows it up by yelling, "GO PARIS GOOOOOO!" Hannah spots another waiter who walks by and swiftly sneaks another margarita and sips on it steadily. We laugh together and embrace in a hug, still giggling into each other's shoulders. With Hannah's body tightly against mine, she asks me, "Wait, do you feel that?" "Feel what?" I ask her. "I feel something vibrating coming from you; is that your phone ringing?"

Oh, fuck. My mom.

I quickly reach into my back pocket and, without surprise, see my mom's name. "DAMN, IT'S MY MOM, I'M SORRY I HAVE TO TAKE THIS, I FORGOT TO CALL HER!" I immediately run out of the patio in an attempt to find somewhere, ANYWHERE quieter than what it sounds like back there. I sprint down the path to the front of the restaurant where I can still feel the thumping from the speakers but barely hear the actual music. I turn my back to the patio and answer, "MOM!" I accidentally yell as my ears are still adjusting. I put it on speaker to help stop my ears from ringing, then clear my throat and greet her again,

"Mom! Hi! I'm so sorry, we're at dinner right now and Paris was hosting a huge wrap party for us so I-"

"Amore mio, you do not have to apologize, it's just so good to hear your voice. I miss you my love... how was your last day on set?"

As my mom asks, I stay staring at the grass to try and find some composure to answer in a coherent sentence; I feel the alcohol hitting quick. Suddenly, I notice a shadow in the grass, and as I'm about to turn around to see who it is, I feel those arms snake around my waist; I don't even bother turning to look. She must've followed me out when she saw me literally running out as my mom called.

"My last day on set was perfect. Emotional, but perfect." I reply as I reach a hand down to cup Hannah's hands that are resting on my stomach.

"Oh, I'm delighted, we are delighted! Your father is here too. Hold on, here he is..."

"Hi, my darling Rowan! I love you! Kisses and hugs to my sweet delfina (dolphin)!"

"Hi dad! I loveeee... you too!" I say back as I try and catch my balance. Hannah feels this, and I feel her breath giggling quietly into my neck.

"We can't wait to have you back here again to watch the house. Your dad is ECSTATIC for his art show, but even more so to see you before we leave. You're still good to fly out tomorrow evening, right?"

Shit. My phone's on speaker with Hannah still clinging onto me from behind, and we haven't even talked about our next steps yet. And now, she just heard that I'm flying to Italy, tomorrow.

I pause at my mom's question, trying to find the right words to say both for my mom and for Hannah to hear. I wonder, though, if Hannah even heard my mom say this, as she's super hella tipsy right now. I attempt to reply to my mom:

"Of course—"

I feel Hannah loosen her grip and spin around to face me and my phone. She brings the phone in my hand up to her face and says, "I love your daughter, can I pleaseeeeeee come?" I quickly snap out of my own drunk state from shock. Not, like, bad shock, just like, WHOA, WHAT? Hannah catches my reaction and then it hits her too. She throws her hand over her mouth in a state of embarrassment. I see her shaking her head, then immediately tries to run off. Without any hesitation, I reach out and grab her hand. She looks at me with worried eyes full of mortification. I put my pointer finger to her mouth to signal for her to relax and listen so that we can await my mom's answer because I already know exactly what my mom will say.

I hear my mom chuckle a bit, clearly knowing we're both drunk from the party, which explains Hannah's boldness over the phone.

My mom endearingly says, "Hannah..." 

She pauses, definitely trying to contain her smile with my dad, then continues,

"...anyone who loves my daughter is loved by me. I can't wait to meet you, WE can't wait to meet you. You're going to love the lake, we'll make sure of it!

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