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Instead of morning light, I'm woken to the feeling of cold air and my *regular* alarm for 7:15 AM; on shoot days it's usually a whopping 4:45 AM. Even when I'm not working, I like to be up pretty early to kick off the day and be productive. But, I realize the special guest sleeping in my bed might not appreciate that alarm on a day off. I open my eyes to reach for my phone to turn off the alarm, and Hannah isn't there. I knew it felt too cold in here before I even opened my eyes, and it wasn't just from the storm. My body sensed she was gone prior to even waking up probably, but it was one of those situations where you don't want to believe it, so instead of facing it you just keep doing what you were doing, in my case, it was sleeping.

I run my hand on the left side of the bed where Hannah was last night unless the whole thing (including my pretzel) was some seriously detailed mirage I had. I sit up in order to come to my senses a bit more and assess reality. I see the pretzel wrapper in the garbage, the fireplace crackling and still burning on the tv, and I feel like I can smell her on my sweatshirt; she smells like a flower field with notes of bergamot to warm it up plus musk to ground it all. I know she was here, and it wasn't long ago that she must've left. How on earth can someone wake up earlier than me? Hannah does not strike me as the type to be a morning person, but I guess that's the point of learning more about her as we keep doing what we're doing. I hope she still wants that? Where even is she?

I immediately get out of bed to stop my anxious thoughts from rushing in anymore. While standing, I stretch a bit and jog in place to distract my brain. I realize now is a good time to get dressed for the day, find some breakfast, and then hopefully find Hannah? Or at least accomplish all of those things (in whichever order) within the next 20 minutes or I feel like I might explode. As I make my way over to the dresser in my still half-asleep state, I see the doorknob start twisting and get super freaked out. Thinking of worst-case scenarios of who it could be, I sprint to the bathroom and lock the door. Within a few seconds, I listen carefully and can hear the door open, then close behind the person. To calm down I try and think realistically, "Okay, okay, it's probably housekeeping, right?" "Or maybe someone from the cafe downstairs, I'm sure Paris is the type to send breakfast up?" "Or, wait, maybe it's—..." My inner turmoil is interrupted by a voice I instantly know, "Um......... Rowan? Hellooooooo."

"Oh, thank God," I whisper to myself knowing it's just Hannah. But wait, it's also Hannah. I try to quickly collect myself, since you know I ran to the bathroom to hide from the hotel intruder and all. I grab my toothbrush as fast as possible and pop it in my mouth, then swing open the door. "Oh, hey. Good morning." I say then continue "brushing", "You're up early, where were you at?" I say with a muffled mouth. Hannah walks over and stands in the bathroom doorway, she's fully dressed for the day and wearing a pantsuit, and that alone makes me feel like I'm about to evaporate. I try and play it cool, but I can't stop staring at the red lipstick perfectly painted on her mouth, her bright hair softly resting at her collarbone and blue eyes that pull me in every single fucking time. "Oh, um, you got a little something um..." She breaks me from my thoughts and points to my mouth while giggling to herself. Was I really ACTUALLY drooling right now? "Oh, this?" I quickly wipe my mouth with my hand, then continue, "Yeah I just accidentally brushed too hard and that happened. I'm like, a pro-brusher and everything. Can't ever be too clean you know!" I say as I put my toothbrush down. "Right, of course. Never too clean." She entertains my lie then continues, "I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast with me downstairs? I have a meeting with Paris in about an hour, so I'll do that after. But, I'd like to spend some time with my pro-brusher for a bit, if that's okay?" Standing in the bathroom, still shocked from just how perfect she is, but also confused why she didn't wake me when she left, I respond with, "Of course. I'll finish up here then meet you downstairs?" Hannah replies with a smooth, "Perfectttttttt." Then spins around to head back out. Before I hear her leave, I yell out, "Wait, Hannah, you forgot something!" The sound of her heels gets closer to the bathroom door again, and I realize I better be confident and brave for this impulsive idea of mine to play out. As she's back, standing in front of me again, she asks, "Really? My bad, what was it—?" I interrupt her by pulling her in close and kissing her lips. I take her head into my hand to kiss her deeper and feel her grip around my waist. She pulls away, still holding onto me, and says, "Wow. Didn't think you had that in you." I say nothing back, just smile and plant a final kiss on her forehead, nose, then cheek.

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