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I WAS NAKED, WET AND IN HELL. All at the same time. Streams of water slid down my breasts and cascaded down my body, hot droplets sinking in the crevices of my blistered and roughened skin. I tried not to wince or make noise at all, not when I knew there were guards standing armed with massive guns right outside the doors.

I tried to convince Mateo I wasn't scared of him, with my ballsy tough girl act, but he obviously saw right through me. He knew that he had an effect on me, one that scorched right through and exposed me.

He had cruelly cursed as he'd escorted me to what he said was the East wing, his hand firmly gipping my arm as he pushed me forward, trying to ignore my demands. I'd reminded him many times that my first condition to get me speaking was to confirm that my friend was safe, which meant he would have to let me talk to her directly.

He predictably refused, leaving my mouth to drop and splutter swears as he pushed me up a flight of marble steps effortlessly. Had I not been thrown around like a rag doll, I would have taken a moment to appreciate the interior.

"We had a deal!" I screamed, trying to hit him with my elbow, but miserably failing in the process, he had a gun pressed to my lower back and I couldn't believe I was trying to negotiate with him.

"I never agreed," Mateo retorted, "Not to all your terms anyways. You said you wanted a shower, I'm giving you just that. Keep talking if you want me to be inside with you when you take it."

I'd stuttered and muttered like a complete idiot, unable to articulate sentences and simply bombarding him with my colourful and imaginative vocabulary, phrases I knew that made his lips curl in anger. Then Mateo had abruptly halted at some steel doors that opened dramatically, after he'd punched in some buttons on the side.

We had stumbled into a huge room of some sort, that was proudly boasting its architectural marvel, tall ceilings and renaissance paintings. The area was vacant almost, except for two guards that had followed us.

They were bulky and silent, armed with their weaponry as they took their positions, but they were good at acting as if they hadn't heard or seen anything while Mateo was clambering into the shower a moment later with me.

"Strip." He all but demanded, as the door shut behind him.

"Get out and I will." I furiously told him.

He pointed his gun right at me. "Take everything off."

"Why? Are you that sexually deprived?" I dared to say.

Crude laughter left his mouth. "Don't waste my time."

"Want to see my tits that bad?" I jutted my bottom lip out.

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