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SHOPPING WAS NOT FUN. At least not with mother hen, Romi Nikolai. I grimaced whenever he pulled Imaani and I along to a new store, bejewelled with flashing lights as he made the ladies parade us in gowns that were apparently very necessary for an upcoming event of some sort.

After what seemed like hours, we arrived at the Costello dwelling, Romi and Nadal trailing after us, carrying our belongings, bright pink bags brimming with colourful silk fabrics, chiffon, and more —everything we needed for the extravaganza ahead, culminating in the one main event Romi couldn't stop talking about.

"Why does he keep saying that?" Imaani said, curiosity getting the best of her. "What is this Bal Masquè you speak of repeatedly?"

"It's a masquerade? They don't have those where you're from?" Romi scoffed, setting our things down by the floor of the foyer, tired out.

I fanned my face as the heat crept up to my ears, but I was impressed that my makeup remained intact after a day of shopping, sight-seeing, eating street cuisine and even getting my nails done. Imaani, drained, jumped into an arm chair and stretched out like a starfish on it. She pushed herself on an elbow and looked at Romi, eyes narrowed.

"No, we don't have masquerades," She told him, "We barely have school proms, it's not the way that they show it on HBO TV shows either."

"We get leavers party's and proms that are chaperoned, bore us to death and then everyone usually fucks off to the nearest woods to get high off their heads." I shrugged.

"Mine was considerably tame." Imaani mused. "I think Malia had a lot more fun than me."

"Nothing better than getting pissed with the schools nitty's to top it all off." I couldn't help laughing.

I continued. "There was a disparity with both the schools we attended. So much so that when I joined her institution, I left within months."

"So, this will be your first masquerade?" Romi sat himself opposite her, fascinated by the concept that we hadn't ever been to one.

"Yes." I answered, "I don't think I'm interested in this so called ball anyways. I mean, what is it for?"

"It's tradition," Romi deadpanned, "It is also a very honourable night, at least to our society and families. This year Mateo is also donating everyone's money to a worthy cause. I've invited you to attend, you can't just say no."

"I think I can say no." I stated flatly. "Besides, you haven't verbally invited us yet, formally actually, I mean."

"I literally just verbally invited you." He deadpanned.

Imaani jolted upwards, "You want to sit it out despite all the shopping we just did? It'll be a shit-show without you."

"I want to—" I stopped myself, sullen since this was something that would only benefit him. "I'll pass."

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