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I FELT LIKE UTTER CRAP. It was if someone had thrown bricks at my head and pelted them at me until I could no longer breathe. My hands, feet and mouth were cramping under me, which was when I realised I was curled up and my body was pressing on those parts of me, tied with rope, a piece of duct tape over my dry mouth.

The realisation I had been kidnapped washed over me, making me groan and twist as my eyes flickered open and took in my dimly lit surroundings. My mind wandered to the fight and chaos that unravelled which would have been hours ago, with the intimidating arsehole of a man, Mateo Izaac.

I tried to move around until I was sitting up, hoping that with the little energy I had left, there was a way I might get free of the ropes; I had seen far too many action movies to not at least try to flee.

Except for the tall man who stood and watched me curiously from the entertainment I was now providing him with, there was nothing around me that was convenient or useful. He stood there silently watching me until a slow smile appeared on his lovely face, causing me to lose my already reduced ability to breathe.

Recognition dawned on me, and I registered him to be Aiden, the person who had been accompanying Mateo in the car. When he approached me, he had beautiful white teeth and an extraordinary grin that brightened up his face, and I was able to properly assess him.

As he bent over and pulled the duct tape from my mouth, my voice got lodged in my throat, and I was able to take in the scar that spread from his lips to his cheek, joker style.

"Hello gorgeous," He said, speaking with a slight accent, "How are you doing?"

I gulped, finally able to string some words together. "Where am I? Where's my friend? Why did you kidnap me?"

He laughed then, it was plain psychotic and ran chills down my spine. "You're in Italy remember? Although on a separate and idle little island. You were kidnapped because the boss wants or rather needs something from you."

But what could a conceited and scary piece of shit like him, whom I've never met, want with someone like me? I really wasn't worth kidnapping. No one would pay ransom for my partially uncultured, irritatingly fabulous self. My father would probably tell me to charm myself out of it.

"Who are you people? Why don't you just let me go? Come on, you look nice. Please? What is the point of keeping me here?" I rambled, blubbering like a fool, chest rising and falling with every question and struggle I was enduring, trying to set the ropes tied around my hands a little loose.

"You talk too much," Aiden sighed, getting up and walking away from me. "It's irritating how many questions you have. I'll let the boss hash this out, all on his own for once, maybe he's in a good mood and will go easy on you."

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