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Vincent Bonanno's home was too massive and too lavish not to appreciate. We were sat around the dinner table, which was laden with dishes and platters, with a sense of quiet pervading each corner.

Mateo and I sat on each side of Vinnie, who was planted at the head of the table. Even though my stomach was empty, my hands were clammy as they placed themselves on utensils, trying my best to distract myself.

"Malia." Vinnie stated my name slowly.

"Yes?" I managed to say.

"What is going on?" He pressed. "Mateo looks like he's seen a ghost."

"He didn't see anyone." I uttered. "I did...I don't know if he believes me though."

"What did you see? Rather who?" Vinnie probed. "Mateo made me aware that Jeffry was keeping the Luciano girl hostage, but what else could have possibly escalated within a few hours?"

"That's the thing." I sighed into my hands. "We were in central city, and I saw Anastasia, with Josiah Parish, I assume. He looks so alike Rio. She was smiling, and laughing, which only begs the question why Aiden orchestrated the faux kidnapping and hostage situation?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Mateo piped up dryly. "The Parish brothers and Jeffry have poisoned her brain."

"I can't believe it." Vinnie muttered. "Luciano was a decent enough man, he mostly just stuck by your father, to think that his daughter would do such a thing is rather disturbing."

"Her father was all that she had." Mateo said calmly. "She's punishing me for it all."

"Children died." I said appalled. "That's messed up. Don't you dare make excuses."

"Let's eat." Vinnie raised his brow at me and waited for me to give up the topic at hand, so I could tend to my plate.

Despite my lack of appetite, I picked at the meal in front of me and ate quietly, pausing sometimes to glimpse at Mateo, who seemed to be looking somewhere other than at me, as if I was the cause of the impending storm.

When Vincent Bonanno dismissed me after a while and ordered me to the nursery of all places, I grumbled defeatedly.

My limbs dragged me quietly and slowly into the pastel coloured nursery down the hallway, after I washed and dried my hands —terrified I'd disturb whoever was in there with the baby.

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