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That much was obvious when my eyes fluttered open and a swarm of light immediately filled them, powering a monstrous migraine and a single groan from my lips. What was worse was that my entire body felt so heavy and sore, because of both my outfit and the condition that I was in —I was lucky to be able to wiggle my fingers and rub my eyes.

"Where the hell am I?" I mostly questioned myself.

I remembered the darkness that had enveloped me and then being carried away. I'd lost track of time, and now I'd found myself in what appeared to be a boutique hotel room, the sun-light was pouring in from the windows and there was a view of calm blue, crashing against turquoise green. Dusty yellow flickered before my eyes teasingly as I looked down at the streets filled with people and vendors.

Apart from the minimal furniture, there wasn't much around. I realised I wasn't the only person inside the room and on the bed as it abruptly dipped behind me with some weight and I found myself rolling off it, screaming as my head hit the ground.

A smug blonde face mirrored my stare as he sat with his face in his palms, elbows lifting his body upwards, and a cigarette between his lips. "Hello, Miss Sunshine." He smirked.

"Alberto." I said through gritted teeth. "You've really got to be shitting me right now."

"That's a lovely dress you have on." He commented, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Not a dress." I seethed. "Where am I?"

"Currently in a hotel, in New Março Venice." He explained. "But soon we'll be leaving for Greece."

"Greece?" I repeated, pulling myself into a seating position on the floor, my skirt puffed up around me. "What's in Greece?"

"Mykonos." Alberto merely laughed. "Duh."

Mamma Mia!

My attention wavered though, when the door to the room opened and a tall figure slipped inside, causing me to sharply exhale and want to simply become camouflaged by the ground. I suddenly felt petrified, tiny and worthless as I followed the polished shoes that approached me, until he was crouched down before me.

"Shit." I whispered, eyes trailing upwards to meet his gaze, as his rough, calloused fingers tilted my chin.

"Happy to see me?" Rioden Parish grinned.

"No." I grunted, slapping his hand away from my face.

"So full of energy," Rio smirked. "Don't pretend you aren't even in the slightest happy to see me. Have you forgotten that precious night we spent together engaging in hot, sweaty sex?"

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