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She fucking stabbed me and then left me. But not before she put her hand on my thigh, grabbed me by the dick, rubbed it and pulled my belt off like she was wanting me to spill everywhere.

Sounds of pure anguish escaped from my lips, and I couldn't shake that feeling inside my guts, as I almost fell on top of the table and spread of food behind me, hastening to fasten my belt back, my body going limp.

With my chest heaving, I squeezed my eyes shut, and my fingers wrapped around the steak knife which was lodged into the back of my thigh. It was deep enough to make me scream like a dying dog as I grabbed it and yanked it out in one quick motion, not caring when I felt a splatter of blood across my clothes as it slid out and fell to the ground with a loud clanking noise.

"Cazzo!" I yelled, "Figlio di puttana!"

It seemed like hours transpired before extremely frenzied movements approached the door, swinging open to reveal Jeffry and Faris. As they hurriedly reached me and supported me into a standing position, they both burst out with an array of comments at the same time.

"How long have you been here like this?"

"What the hell happened?"

"Is that a knife?"

"Who did this to you?"

"Can you move?"

"Well no, it's a fucking spoon." I snarled, glaring at Faris, who threw his hands up in defence and looked at Jeffry for support. "It was her, she did it."

"She seriously stabbed you with the same knife she used to eat with?" Faris mumbled.

"I'm glad it was that and not the fucking bigger one." I seethed.

"How do you lose focus for even a moment around her?" Aiden commented, mockingly.

"She had her hand on my dick." I snapped.



Jeffry and Faris looked away from me and mirrored identical shit-eating grins, which reminded me that I was still semi-hard underneath my clothes and they were apparently aware of it.

I muttered under my breath as they assisted me out of the chambers and into my private quarters and then to my suite, while I continued to hurl out all the filthiest obscenities I could think of, from the mere pain of being stabbed.

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