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LUST RIDDEN, I GAZED UP AT HIM. My heart was hammering erratically, getting quicker by the second as our groping and kissing intensified, to the point where we were undressing each other.

I was completely topless in front of him now, and a flush of pink began to appear on my cheeks as I lay down, knees pushed up and apart so he could stand between them and stare me down. He swatted my hand away as I sought for the zip of my boots, and I drew back, clutching my lower lip as he demanded that I keep them on.

Mateo stood before me, exposed to light that slipped in from the window and balcony, strobing lights that reflected over his looming figure, just clad in grey boxers, his hair tousled from my hands running through it, his jaw set tight as his chest rose and fell, rippling with those delicious muscles of his.

As he lowered himself until he was crouched right in front of my arousal, all I could see was a slice of his head and his hungry stare drifting downwards. Inhaling deeply, I fluttered my eyelids shut, feeling the unmistakeable touch of his fingertips as they climbed up from behind my knees and trailed upwards.

A moan sounded from my lips the second his fingers rode higher up and along my slit, as if testing the wetness, and I was already squirming, which amused him deeply judging by the chuckle that came from his mouth.

"You're already wet for me." He groaned, "Did you miss me?"

Those lines caught me off guard, and I had to take a minute to process them. I did miss him, and he must have sensed it by the way my body trembled against him. But I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of it, at least not yet.

"I don't think I did miss you," I said so softly, my voice was a caress in the dark as I glanced away from his face. "Don't flatter yourself, I told you I got it plenty."

"I find that very hard to believe." He uttered plainly, his finger dragging down my centre, while he pressed a lone kiss on my inner thigh. "Plenty?"

My breath hitched, the lies flowing through my teeth, "Uh huh, once a week at the very least. I got really busy."

"Yeah?" His ring finger slipped inside me without warning, and I recoiled, head dropping and mouth opening, lost for words.

"Yes." I whimpered.

"Liar." He drove his finger deeper, and I had to clutch onto the sheets for dear life. "Look at me when I speak to you, Malia. Be a good girl for me."

"I'm not lying," I tried to defend myself, "You weren't here, Mateo, you don't have a clue what I've been up to, who I've spent time with even."

He pushed in another finger and I moved to squeeze my thighs, knowing he was only getting started with his sweet torture. "You say that, but I know that you're lying. Because all of the times you've been spotted around has been with that girl you work with. Emily. I'm right, aren't I?"

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