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IT WAS ALMOST SIX PM. The suite was a scattered mess with colourful fabrics and accessories strew across the huge four poster bed, and there was R&B music playing in the background that Emily was dancing haphazardly to.

"So I don't know how to tell him." I finished, clipping my earrings in place. "Em, are you even listening to me?"

She put down her curling wand on the vanity, pulling away from it, while she checked over her shoulder to make sure the door to the other suites, which housed the Red Ladies Club's workers, was locked.

"I am listening to you." She cocked her head to a side and eyed me, as she turned the music off. "The music was supposed to conceal the sound of you gushing over your lover and how good his dick is."

"Those weren't my words." I rolled my eyes, but bit down on my bottom lip to stop the smile.

"I believe they were oh my goodness Emily, I can't believe I let him c—" Emily started to say.

I hushed her with my eyes and waved my hands in front of her, until she got the memo and stopped abruptly. She lifted her mouth in a smirk and smoothed out her hair, curls bouncy around her ears in a Marilyn Monroe manner, her cheeks a bright pink, complimenting the peach ensemble she was draped in.

"You like him." She stated. "He definitely likes you. You both feel something more, but it's not really about what you say or confess, rather the way in which you approach it. He's unhinged, you're near-unhinged —so just lay on the bed with your legs spread and hands handcuffed behind you. That will do the trick and get your message across."

Snorting, I fixed the slit of my dress, and then I used a wet cotton bud to wipe away the remnant of slightly smudged lipstick on my face before addressing her. "I'm afraid sex isn't the answer I was looking for. We need to go down now. The benefit's about to begin soon, and we're expected to be there before the others."

She complained about her thong chafing her the entire elevator ride and threatened to take it off in front of everyone if things got too heated tonight. As we left the tranquil and serene floors almost a hundred floors above, heading into the night ahead of us, I laughed and smacked my lips disapprovingly.

My ears were immediately inundated with noise from all directions; the event had already begun, and there were brilliant hues parading in opposite directions in the hall, vibrant chatter, and a variety of things going on at the same time. I felt a tug on my elbow just as I was about to jump forward and grab a drink from a passing server carrying a golden tray of champagne.

"Non! No drinks for you, silly girl."

The urge to frown was so strong, that I stomped my foot and huffed as I faced Madam Janice, who was dressed head to toe in faux fur and a sickeningly sweet, luxury perfume. She had her hand clasped around a glass and was twirling her hair.

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