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As I had sat with one leg folded over the other, more than a year ago, in front of Aiden Jeffry —a Vitelli Made Man, a genocidal tyrant with a deviously frightening smile, a pair of gloves concealing hands that I believed were plagued with battle scars —the words of assurances echoed in my head.

I let an exhale part from my lips as I gripped the cup of tea between my hands tighter, and lifted my head slightly to meet his eyes, skimming over his dark complexion that glowed beneath the lighting. He was menacing even as he sat there, still and unmoving as he waited for me to respond. I shuddered at first under his gaze, knowing his history and exactly how he became the man he was, sitting before me.

"What's in it for you?" I questioned him, placing the cup down and raking my fingers over the silk dress I wore. "Tell me how a man with your reputation agrees to taking down a Mafia Don, that too from a reigning family. What is it that you gain from helping me take down the man that is the reason my father is now dead? Why would you willingly do this? I want to know why you'll agree to help me."

The Made Man paused, as if he was deep in thought, before he got up and started to pace the foyer, causing my expression to falter from fright at the franticness. "The Vitelli's have no particular codes or ethics, we do what we think serves us best. We have always been in a lesser position of power because we didn't want to attract attention to ourselves, stayed back and observed and ultimately turned a blind eye to everybody's actions. But we're the worst of the bunch, are we not? We don't even spare women."

"The Vitelli's have no heart." I mused. "At least that's what I've heard growing up. It's true that you've quite a reputation. One that frightens me, a little."

"You are right." Aiden crudely chuckled. "Which is why we —I— cannot bear the thought of Dominique Costello's son ruling and making up his own rules. He put up a front about not wanting anything to do with this life, and yet he's back for good. I have my own personal endeavours in taking him down. Order must be maintained."

"Okay." I exhaled, agreeing with him. "He will come to you, I will lead him to you and you will enter that home and tear it down from within. You will tarnish his name and he will suffer. The Costello's will be sorry the day that they stood above everyone and drove us to the ground."

"We will need help." Aiden said matter of factly. "We'll need our own reinforcements and bait in place."

"My father told me the names of those who attended the initiation ceremony, and there are many who posed as potential threats, particularly the Parish brothers. They would be more than willing to have a hand in Mateo's downfall." I mused, standing up as I folded my arms across my chest, "My father always told me every detail of his day and who he met, what he saw, I was never allowed to leave the confines of these walls, for my own protection. But I know of many that never liked the Costello's at all."

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