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Malia Sofia had me stopping all over the place, looking for whatever public restroom I could find along the route so she could freshen up. I wasn't sure why she needed so much freshening up, but I figured it had something to do with the fact that she was shifting uneasily next to me and tugging at her clothes every other minute.

Whenever I slid her a glimpse during the first few hours she'd tried to sleep, I'd found her agitated, her fists balled up while she bit down on her lips and murmured profanities in a language I wasn't familiar with. She was unable to sleep and could only whine about the heat. She tossed and turned, until she gave up entirely and proceeded to play some songs in her mother tongue, I assumed.

My jaw parted a little when she threw her feet up on the dashboard, and by some miracle, I didn't tell her off. I was utterly confused how she seemed so snug in her position, and my eyes flitted over the strappy sandals that laced around her feet, nails painted white, until I forced myself to look away and allowed her music to flood my ears.

She yelled the words with so much passion, it was as if she had wrote the songs herself, and even though I didn't understand, I knew they were upbeat tunes meant to thrill one and get the party going. Except I wasn't going to entertain her with my attention, hands gripping the steering wheels firmly as I continued to focus on the journey left ahead.

Every movement she made, I was incredibly aware of. Her dress hiked up when she readjusted and that brought an insane amount of attention to her toned, long legs. Legs I wanted wrapped around my waist, legs I wanted pulled over my shoulders. Legs I wanted parted for me, so I could shove myself into her tight heat and would then clamp around my—

Brutta puttana! Dai, cazzo!

[Translation: Fucking bitch! Come the fuck on]

As I tried to ward away the thoughts in my head, I flickered through my phone and saw Aiden was repeatedly questioning where I was and how reckless I was for leaving when we had important things to deal with.

The thing was, what I was doing with the woman I was with today, was a critical part to my plan and was crucial itself to do. I had to test what she was all about, and the only way I could achieve that was to throw her in the lions den.

It sounded cruel, but it was the only method I could think of to accomplish my goal. Malia could handle the conning that would be required to catch the Bonanno's off guard if she was a quick learner and had really managed to establish a higher position for herself by becoming a member of the Red Ladies Table, within a matter of a few weeks anyways.

She was young and slick and she had a penchant for wrapping people around her pinky finger with just her charisma. It was the way she carried herself and never let her own guards down.

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