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I FELT HER PRESENCE LEAVE ME THE MOMENT THAT THE BED DIPPED. The noise of the shower turning on reached me as I sunk there on my back, taking a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts, while the night before washed over me in thick waves.

She eventually left and I debated the impulse to stay put, getting up myself after a few minutes and stepped in the shower where the mirror was still steamed and her smell was still lingering, the fruity body gel left out for me to use.

I leaned against the marble wall, forehead touching cold material, eyes squinted as burning hot water singed my body and I revelled in the soothing pain for a few moments.

Malia Sofia had me wrapped around her finger.

She didn't know it, or perhaps she did. I was consumed by the sheer thought of her. Mind, body and soul, I wanted and needed all of her so much so that I'd made sure wherever she was I could reach her if I wanted and now that she had left without acknowledging me: I had a dissatisfied knot forming in my stomach.

With a towel wrapped around me, I sauntered out from under the shower head and dried off, pulling on a T-shirt over my head and a pair of sweatpants. I then curtly made my way out of the chambers and tread down the path that eventually wove its way to the open-plan sitting space, which was blanketed by accents of grey and teal.

I had a mug of cappuccino in my hands before my back hit the couch and breakfast spread before me on the glass coffee table —Bonanno's catering staff as efficient as ever.

Vincent was sat on a plush chair, drinking forest-green juice, a phone in his hand, while his eyes kept watch of Zeus, playing with a hideous looking teddy bear and shiny action figures. He turned to me as I settled and brought the mug to my lips, the hot steam filling my nose.

"Zeus looks more like his mother than me." Vinnie commented.

"Is that a bad thing?" I tilted my head and assessed his laughing child.

"Not at all." He smiled, loosening the tie that already adorned his neck. "It's just that I miss her, and I feel bad when I even think about moving on. But I want somebody here at all times, who loves and cares for him just as much as I do."

"The nanny." I said perceptively, causing him to turn a little pale. "You like her."

"I don't." He tried to defend himself and I almost dropped the cappuccino as my chest shook with silent laughter. I put it down and picked up a strawberry lightly dusted with something powdery and sweet.

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