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THE HOT TEA BURNT MY TONGUE as I sat down at the breakfast bar

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THE HOT TEA BURNT MY TONGUE as I sat down at the breakfast bar. My eyes met Imaani's briefly as she sipped from her glass of freshly squeezed, orange juice and laughed mindlessly at something that Romi was saying.

Romi had nodded at me stiffly when he'd reached the southern quarters and walked into the dining area of the open-space kitchen, but he quickly changed his tune. He was back to being his perky self as he sat by Imaani, someone who he clearly had a sacred friendship with, not willing to let her see him frown even for a moment.

Today was the first day of the 3 day 'Horse Trials' that bought together professional and amateur equestrians to the Costello estate, he explained. It was casual, but it was an opportunity to rekindle connections and forge new alliances, before the masquerade.

He was just in the moment of announcing the guest list and where everyone would be sitting at the arena, when my eyes focused on the incoming two figures.

Katherine had her hands folded together at the front and she looked nervous as she escorted Mr Faris further and then turned to leave at once. My blood immediately boiled at the sight of him and I would have dropped my cup of tea, had he not pulled out a bright bouquet of flowers before him.

As he approached Imaani, adorned in a dark suit, I bit my tongue and watched the scene unfold. Faris was close enough to wrap his arms around her, as he dropped a bouquet directly into her lap.

There was an arrangement of exquisite, fresh purple, pink, and cream roses wrapped in lilac material with a big bow in the middle and a small card on top, as well as a modest jewellery box.

He had brought his fingers over her eyes so they hovered just a few inches away, not touching any skin and then bowed his head to ear level before she could quite react.

"Guess who?"

I thought I saw the colour and light drain from Imaani's face then, and immediately felt horrible as she parted her lips and visibly faltered to form the words that she wanted to say. "Mr Faris? How —how are you here right now?"

His hands left her face as he rounded the corner of the breakfast bar and planted himself on the empty seat by her side. His eyes flitted to mine and I squirmed uncomfortably as he painfully attempted to stare into her eyes.

"Malia invited me," Faris answered her casually, without a hint of a smile, "I told you I was going to be travelling for work, and well, I wasn't too far when she so kindly told me I should come and surprise you."

Her face was flushed with surprise, and she stared at him, dumbfounded once again; it wasn't that she was bashful or anything; she was simply taken aback. "If my mother was to find out you're here, she'd scold me, we're not allowed to see each other until after the wedding, remember?"

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