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BETRAYAL ALWAYS CAME FROM THOSE CLOSEST TO YOU. Although my best friends fiancé wasn't someone close to me personally, he was still someone important to her, considering they were to be getting married soon.

It was difficult not to gawk at him because everyone and every thing around us seemed to be moving at a breakneck pace as if nothing was occurring.

Romi was perhaps unaware of whatever business Mateo had with Mr Faris, as his interest flared upon hearing his name. He realised we were both familiar with each other, as was Imaani, though he kept his lips pressed shut and let me steer the conversation.

"I'm good." He responded in that gruff baritone of his, eyes flickering downwards to the sweet potatoes that he kicked around with his fork. "You?"

"Peachy." I chortled. "What brings you here, Mr Faris?"

"Business." He replied curtly. "That's the outright truth."

"Yes, except you never thought to mention who it was that you do business with." I spat out, twirling a single asparagus in the air. "Or clarify what you do. What's your role in this ridiculous scheme?"

"I have my own businesses," He retorted simply, sipping water, "I do not work for him, if that is what you think."

"You work with criminals." I added, shooting him a saccharine smile that I hoped would make him feel guilty.

He exhaled, face devoid of emotion. "I do not work for anyone. I work alone. Or with people I trust."

I stammered, finding the whole conversation ridiculous. "Please tell me you didn't lie about everything you said, including your roots —because I don't think my brain can handle the thought of a sham engagement alone, just under the guise of keeping watch of me."

"I don't know much about where I come from, except I had a mother who left me in the streets." He conversed casually. "My sperm donor was a random man, who made quite an imprint on the Arabian Peninsula —though he was murdered because he got too greedy. DNA claims I have Arab and Spanish ancestry too. Fascinating."

"This is insane." I laughed, but it was directed right at Mateo, who was too far from my reach or I would have stomped all over him, with my heels pressed over his chest until he couldn't string a plausible sentence together.

"What's the matter?" Mateo mused, "Don't like surprises?"

"No, I certainly don't." I ground my fist against the table, and sent a spoon flying away and onto the floor. "How could you do this? Such an extravagant plan, just so you could watch me from afar."

"I wish I could tell you that I feel bad," Mateo told me, "But that would be a colossal lie. I did what I thought was right. I didn't tell Faris that he had to get involved so deeply —that was entirely his doing."

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