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I LISTENED TO THE TAP RUNNING. The background filled with Imaani's voice, as she explained to me how her mother wasn't allowing her space to breathe. That only made me feel nauseatingly sad, because I wished my mother was here to do the same to me and nag me to take care of myself.

Drying my hands with a towel, I went and joined her at the balcony, where she was pleading with me to find a way to free her, because her mother was calling her right now. If I hadn't immediately snatched the phone away from her, she might have combusted.

"Aunty!" I happily greeted, "How are you? I'm sorry, Imaani's just nipped out. Can I leave a message?"

"Get rid of her, for the love of Vada pav." Imaani sighed and dramatically slumped against the rail.

"Yes, don't worry," I continued, trying to comfort the distressed lady on the other end, raising a brow at the woman in-front of me as I watched her walk away. "We're both very good! You too, take care."

"Your mother was reluctant to speak to me, as always. She really doesn't like me." I smirked as I hung up and joined Imaani. "Can I borrow your necklace?"

"You don't need to borrow it." She said. "Keep it."

I grinned as she excitedly handed me the dainty jewellery, which was costlier than a kidney probably and helped me click it into place, admiring the way it glinted under the lights. Then I handed back her phone and proceeded to rummage through my pile of clothes and put on a white figure-hugging dress.

Although things had been left abruptly a few evenings ago after witnessing Romi's outburst at the Galleria, Romi had managed to convince me to give him another chance, and considering he seemed very sorry about his mannerisms —I caved.

He was quite eager to win my trust particularly and had suggested that we meet today evening to enjoy entertainment and food with him and his friend. While he had been unavailable yesterday due to circumstances he couldn't disclose, he was very enthusiastic about tonight.

I wrapped my arms around myself comfortingly, as the late night breeze brushed over my jagged edges. When a sleek and stylish vehicle pulled up, Imaani and I walked outside the gates and stared, a look of sheer delight on both of our faces.

Although there was no sign of Romi, an attractive, uniformed man rushed out to open the passenger doors for the two of us.

"Buona sera," He greeted politely.

[Translation: Good evening]

"Where is Romi?" Imaani questioned.

"Signor Nikolai is running late, he asked that I come and collect you." He explained. "You may call him to confirm."

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