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IMAANI AND I WERE SOON WALKING through the streets of modern Rome, strolling arm-in-arm while the sun set

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IMAANI AND I WERE SOON WALKING through the streets of modern Rome, strolling arm-in-arm while the sun set. Together we had hunted down a slightly busy restaurant and then shared and enjoyed classic pizza; then she a creamy cappuccino, and I, a few handsomely filled Cannoli, simply because I had the capacity for it.

We made our way to the beach and found that the air itself was delectable, every sight including the shirtless men in the vicinity, a vivid feast for the eyes. It was a place of such great ambiance that I felt the positivity beat rhythmically within me. There was undoubtedly something special about being away with a lack of responsibilities, and nobody to hold me accountable after all.

"Tomorrow we follow an itinerary." Imaani started suggestively, scrunching her nose as she peered down into her leather-bound journal. "I suppose?"

I swatted her arm with disapproval, "Aren't you just the life of the party? I say that sarcastically. You worry far too much. Aiming for perfection here? Stop. We're on a holiday. Go with the flow!"

"There's just so much I want to do." Imaani relayed, trying to keep her emotions in check. "Such little time. It sounds ludicrous, but I'd hate to let the moment pass. I'm being opportunistic, because when I do return home, it's back to gates and guards, hiding in my room with no one but Goku."

I scrutinised her list of activities for tomorrow, "Have breakfast at the Little Bistro, then visit the Galleria Borghese...well what about the activity of me ogling some eye-candy? Or checking out the naughty clubs?"

"You can do that in the evening, when I'm getting my 2 euro tattoo." She shrugged.

"2 euro what now?" I spluttered. "Please say that again. I didn't hear you."

"Okay so maybe that's a bit avant-garde, but I heard there's a famous alleyway, where tourists get it done, and it's literally only 2 euros, what a bargain?" Imaani laughed.

"I genuinely hope you're not serious, I'm pretty sure if you do that to yourself, you're knowingly inviting diseases and who knows what else." I shuddered at the thought. "Anyways, what are we doing for the rest of today?"

"Well, pick a spot," Imaani beamed, "Now we sit, and unwind. Get your tan on? You look like you need some Vitamin D."

Yes, but the other one.

I sat down in a less congested area, a little away from prying eyes, and patted the ground next to me as I leaned back, staring up at the sky. Imaani planted herself next to me, and I relished the sensation of sand brushing against my thighs, while she flipped the pages of her notebook, bathing her glowing, brown skin under the sun.

Right now she looked like a supermodel that dominated the 90's, carefree with her sleek, waist-length hair in casually effortless waves down her back, thick winged liner framing her dark eyes.

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