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THE GUN WAS POINTED RIGHT AT ME. It did not hover once as it centred in the middle of my eyes. I swallowed, my throat constricting as I tried to figure out what was going on. For a brief minute, I was terrified, wondering if I was about to die. I had no intention of dying in this outfit.

"Damn it." He scowled. "Shut your mouth up."

I realised I had started to scream, it went on for ages and it was draining me completely —until the sounds become muffled by the repositioning of the gun against my lips.

Pulling in a sharp exhale, I clenched my hands as I surrendered and pleaded my apology with wide eyes. His gaze pierced mine, causing my heart to skip a beat —it was cruel, callous and harboured great hatred towards me.

"I'm going to move the gun from your mouth." He said.

"Mhmokay." I managed to mumble against the heavy rod.

"If you scream again, I'll shove it down your throat."

He didn't give me much time to breathe because once removed from my lips, he moved the gun to sit snug at the back of my head. He cocked his head to the side, his nose almost rubbed against my nose, as if he was examining me and assessing just how long it would take me to fall apart, all over again.

Judging by the angry and brazen look on his face, he wasn't pleased with me. The gun pressed further into my skin, making my eyes widen and I swallowed hard.

My toes curled and my stomach sank.

"Get up," He demanded, gun stroking my hair. "Now."

Despite the fact that my knees were weak and likely to turn to jelly in a matter of seconds, I summoned all of my might and pushed myself off the ground, with him mirroring my every action. His brows were furrowed and his eyes kept turning darker the more he watched me, I could see that he was grinding his teeth too.

"I'm going to escort you out of here and you're not going to say a damn thing," He told me, his voice strangely calm.

His tone was firmer now. "Do you understand?"

I nodded, though all I wanted to do was scream and launch myself in the opposite direction, but it wasn't clever to do so with a gun now pressed to the small of my spine, as he took charge and pushed me in front of him.

"I asked you if you understood. I'm going to need you to use your words and tell me verbally." He reiterated.

"Yes." I said weakly. "Yes, of course I understand."

"Good girl," He murmured behind me, making sure I kept in line.

Why was everyone ignoring this mans presence? I thought as I started to push my limbs forward. He was obviously bat-shit-crazy. Were they all blind and deaf too? Could no one see that he was armed with a gun? That it was quite literally pressing into my spine?

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