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TWO HOURS LATER, I WAS SOBBING. Face down onto the table, hands flung across the polished wood, banging against it with my fists, as fat tears rolled down my cheeks. I could hear the mutters around, I knew my reaction was unexpected.

I had started off strong, showing my capabilities and calling everyone's bluff, showing them exactly what I could do. That I was worthy sitting among only the best of players, that I was someone worth being there, having brought big game and money in the first place, thanks to Mateo. Rather my confidence blinded me and everything came crashing down within moments when things stopped going my way.

Beside me Mateo stilled and Hashim cleared his throat, Vinnie merely letting out a scoffing sound of arrogance. The other players remained quiet and watched with big eyes, and the spectators too were teetering on the edge of their heels.

Vinnie had the third straight flush in a row, and everybody there was wide eyed in both awe and fear, at the same time. If I didn't know any better, then I'd say that Mateo Izaac was nervous himself, though he hid it behind a blank expression.

He had not been lying when he said that Vinnie didn't lose a single game and I was utterly frustrated with myself —because I had proven to be a shambolic mess, incapable of pulling out a single trick from my arse, to impress any of the men around the table.

I appeared to be a sore loser. Madam Janice would have been awfully disappointed with me if she could see me, she would probably revoke my seat at the Red Ladies Table too, as I was no longer worthy of it. Poker was at the epicentre of the things the club did covertly, and the easiest way to take a seat, anything more and a ladies ranking rose higher.

We were gathered around a rich, mahogany, wooden table that was so shiny and polished that I could see my reflection in it as I sobbed silently. Vinnie's guys stood around us, suited and armed, watching the game conclude in the Villa's private lounge, which was located in a secure area.

Chills ran down my spine as I took a deep breath and gained composure, straightening out on the chair, finally meeting the eyes of those around me.

"Care to explain why you started to squeal like a pig and cry over the last few minutes?" Vinnie questioned, fingers toying with the barrel of the gun in front of him, another hand encircling a glass of liquor.

When I didn't reply, he turned his attention to Mateo. "Where is this girl from Mateo? She does not appear to look like an escort at all, and she's most certainly not your type. The one's you're usually pictured with have more to offer, in all departments, dare I say."

"I'm not an escort." I fought the urge to roll my eyes and ended up doing so, "I'm a nanny, or I used to be, but now I'm not. Because I lost my job and these things apparently happen, but it's okay, got a newer and nicer job lined up for me. When things get hectic in the world of capitalistic desires, sometimes I think I should just move to the North Pole and live out the rest of my days in an igloo."

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