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HIS GAZE PIERCED MINE AND I FELT LIKE I WAS SPIRALLING. With each rise and fall of my chest, I couldn't absorb the phrases that had escaped his tongue, producing a blaze of scarlet to settle along my cheeks and jaw, my arms speckled with goosebumps, and my thighs clenched together.

What I did next, I couldn't control, it was like my mind had a voice of its own that wasn't regulated by me, hissing in my ears like a serpent. I was soon pushing myself onto my elbows and knees, until I was hovering over the tablecloth, giving Mateo a clear view of my breasts.

He was astounded at first, and it didn't dawn on him that I had given importance to what he'd wanted, until I was moving items out of the way and approaching him. As calm flowed over him, he watched me fascinated and enraptured by every action.

"Now what?" I challenged, once in front of him as I held myself up with my palms pressed down.

He strained his forehead as he pondered my words, then leaned forward until his face was squarely in front of mine, peering deep into my conflicted psyche. His lips curled upwards in a faint smirk, and his eyes meandered over my profile, taking in each detail until he was watching my mouth twitch with each slow inhale.

Seizing my chin with his thumb, he drew me closer to him without warning, his head tilted as he resumed his exploration. As he caressed the flesh around my jaw and pressed into it, his fingers were cool against my skin.

"What are you waiting for?" I murmured. "Be a good boy and wipe it off."

Mateo let out a low chuckle and clicked his tongue, making a deeper sound at the back of his throat, groaning, before grazing the tip of his nose against the hollow of my throat. As he inched upwards, using his parted lips to glide, my eyes fluttered shut and I attempted to keep my pulse under control.

I felt a palpable zing in my core, as if my body wanted Mateo to go further than he had already done so with his delectable manipulations, and frenzied ripples of desire unabashedly scattered my aura with the most perverse and illicit ecstasy.

His tongue tickled against my jaw and crept up to the corner of my mouth. I bit down on my lower lip, almost certain I'd let out a devious moan as his tongue continued to curl expertly against my skin. He jerked my hair back so roughly that it caught me off guard, and I become lost in the moment.

"Such a messy, little slut." Mateo growled.

I gasped when his teeth grazed just below my bottom lip and he sucked the spot harshly, taken aback by his sudden tone and vulgarity. The moans left my throat, before I could help it and Mateo groaned, as if he couldn't stop himself either. Before I knew it, he wrapped his arms around my waist and manoeuvred me forward until my legs were on either side of him, my tailbone still resting on the table.

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