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I ALMOST FELT BAD WHEN HE SCREAMED with so much hurt. It felt like his throat was being torn out from under him. I stood there watching him squirm under the blade, shimmying in his chair, drenched in sweat. His teeth were gnashing against each other, and his eyes widened as he panted like a dying puppy. I mentally calculated how long it would take him to crack, how many more minutes it would take him to spill the beans.

My father despised weakness. So did I.

"Boss, he really doesn't look like he'll talk."

My elbows leaned on my knees as I planted myself into my chair before him, face in the palms of my hands. With a brief nod of the head, I turned to Aiden Jeffry, the Caporegime or better known as El Captain, who responded with a threatening grin as I invited him to continue.

He didn't think twice about slashing the side of the victim's neck with the blade, making small incisions so close to his jugular vein. I tensed around the shoulders but relaxed where I was regardless, because I couldn't afford to show weakness myself. With my back hitting the metal of the chair as I adjusted my hips to view the mess that was unfolding —I grimaced at the red I saw.

The only colour capable of drawing me in.

The Captain was ruthless and he didn't care to get messy, he would go past the line and cross any limits to succeed in his endeavours, he was just that much of a daredevil and he made sure everyone knew so too. There was something in his eyes that displayed how heartless and void of emotion he was, it made sense that he was a threat to anyone he came in contact with.

Aiden spat on his face and growled, "Now look here Luka, I'm going to carve your wife's name into your throat and give you one more chance to speak up, before you slowly start to bleed to death."

"I'm telling you," Luka struggled to say, "I don't have any clue where they are. I don't know why it is you think that I do! I can't help you, why don't you believe me?"

"Is your wife's name Cloe with a C, or Kloe with a K?" Aiden questioned, rubbing his chin, as he dug the blade deeper, till Luka yelped.

Cazzo. Did this bastard not fear the consequences?

[Translation: Fuck]

I was glad it wasn't me doing the interrogating, I didn't want to get my hands dirty, unless it was absolutely necessary, and even so my stomach could handle being in the middle of this mess, when only a year ago I never thought to be a part of my father's, sick and twisted legacy.

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