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I BARELY SLEPT. It was hot and it was muggy, but mostly I was feeling knots form in the pits of my stomach, as if something wasn't right. I wanted to talk about how I felt but there was no use.

There was no way I wanted to wake up Imaani, who was soundly sleeping in her bed, even now. Not after she had spent the entire night looking out of the balcony, dreamy-eyed and smiling, and incapable of getting some rest because she was so jittery. Till she had finally soaked up every sight the streets had to offer from our apartment suite and quit for the time being, she crashed into her bed, mumbling incoherent phrases.

It reminded me of the moment I was mesmerised by the glowing Eiffel Tower, which I could see through the beautiful French windows of my cosy, hotel room. It had been an eye-opening experience, especially when I'd fallen asleep to the glistening lights and the bustle of the city around me.

Every speckle of the city offered me magical experiences and precious memories that I wouldn't ever be able to erase from the depths of my mind. The way around the mere boulevards remained imprinted in me and I wouldn't ever lose sight of it.

Yawning and stretching as I lifted the blanket off me, I waddled to take a shower. It was getting close to afternoon, and I had a tendency of taking my sweet time in the bathroom.

Maybe I ought to shave my legs too, I thought —they'd surely have grown some hair back within three days of my last shave —being a brown girl, the struggle was hard.

Granted if an extra special occasion was to arise I would have opted for a full body wax, though I'd braved a Brazilian, before flying out. I scrubbed my body under the streams of water, attempting to enjoy the tantalisingly hot water after disposing of the razor.

I was surprised to find myself finished showering in under an hour, since Imaani had woken up and was soon banging on the door, asking if I could hurry up before her bladder apparently combusted.

"Seriously?" I huffed, already missing the steam I'd been encompassed by in the glass box, "It's not even been half an hour yet, babe."

I let her in and walked past her, tightening my towel as I pondered what I would wear today. I chose a sleeveless and airy, chic dress after what seemed like a back-and-forth, heated debate. It was both stylish and comfortable, which was all that mattered.

Imaani had freshened up by the time my hair had dried, and she was wearing a smile that I didn't think would go away anytime soon.

"Keep straightening your hair and it'll all fall out," She scolded me, while she sauntered to her room and dug into her belongings. "How many times do I have to remind you about heat damage? Embrace your natural hair."

I rolled my eyes disapprovingly and I tugged at the odd strands of curly hair that remained. They were brave and crazed and quite simply dishevelled. "Yes, well it's not my fault that it's so difficult to maintain."

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