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It wasn't like it was difficult to do so, he was always wrapped up in his quarters with his men, conducting plans I didn't understand —nor did I try to either.

I just knew that the whole section was always bursting with life, and at least once a day, a cluster of women would enter that side and sometimes not resurface. I would have been lying if I said I wasn't curious as to what business women that were scantily clad had —here of all places.

Costello was proving to be a very busy man as the masquerade ball creeped up, days or so away. I could sometimes hear him yelling Italian profanities while on call if I strained my ears hard enough —but he'd never stick around for long, too occupied and always accompanied by his big, bulky people as he stalked the entire premises.

The only familiar faces I encountered mostly, were the trio from a few nights ago — with Dom Torreto leading the way right now even —who had a bruising around his eye for some reason.

Even Ryan looked different. His hair was now brown, back to its natural state and he'd gotten a buzz-cut. As I swum around in the vast, outdoor pool, I observed the group walking past, muttering and scowling, making comments under their breath as they tried not to acknowledge me.

I swam to the edge and pushed myself a little upwards, grabbing for my mimosa, sipping it with my eyes narrowed at the men that walked in front of me. I felt hot-headed just thinking about Mateo Izaac and how much I would love to wrap my fingers around his throat and absolutely strangle him.

"Is there a problem boys?" I frowned, raising myself up on my elbows, so my head and shoulders were visible. With my arms drawn inwards, my cleavage was on display, glistening with droplets of water where uncovered. "Where's your boss? You look awful, Kalumai. What happened to your darn face? Ryan, I like the buzz-cut."

"None of your business, princess." Kalumai smirked, as if he was almost proud of his black eye. "You enjoy your swim."

"Boss is out and busy." Ryan told me, though the others scolded him. "Don't comment on my hair again, please."

"But I really liked your hair. Regardless, your natural hair brings out your complexion more. Ryan, that's not the way to say your name straight up, is it?" I couldn't help but taunt him.

"Yeah." His shoulders sunk, "It's actually Ryhan."

"Then why don't you say it like that yourself?"

"Too much effort getting everybody on board."

"Sod them, I wish I was more proud too."

"Enough." Clare grumbled.

"Oh yeah?" I smirked.

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