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I WAS HUNGOVER AND WANTED NOTHING MORE THAN BABA'S MASALA CHAI. I continued to mutter profanities into my pillow, when I felt the bed dip with Imaani's weight and slapped away her hand as she attempted to pull on my hair.

"You've been in this room for over 2 days now, it's of concern," Romi stated matter-of-factly, as he paced before me, while I attempted to keep my eyes opened, "Katherine said she could barely get you to eat anything since you returned, because all you wanted to do was sleep. All you really have in your stomach is some juice, soup and pain killers and that can't be good for someone of your stature. Do you even remember what got you here?"

"No." I groaned, dropping my face into my hands with a loud thump, "I remember eating the best damn pizza and drinking wine, then everything else is wiped out."

"I'm scared how often you've eaten pizza since we've arrived. Even concerning that it's not triggered your intolerance yet." Imaani laughed.

"I love cheese, though." I moaned. "Wine too."

"Yes, Mateo warned you not to drink anything, yet you did. Did you think for a second, that he said it for your betterment? I suppose it saves you the humiliation of reliving the things you did that night though." Romi said with a twinkle in his eyes, "Anyways, freshen up and find me out in the yard, I'll be waiting with Nadal."

"Why?" I questioned, throwing the blanket off me and trying to stand up straight.

"You'll see." Romi simply replied, exiting the room.

"Ugh," I grumbled, "I'm so tired."

"I know." Imaani exhaled softly. "When do you reckon we're leaving this place? Not all good things can last, right?"

I didn't know myself, and I mentally noted to ask no one other than Mateo. "I'll let you know." I promised her. "Don't worry about it, just live a little. That's why we're here, right? Might as well make the most of it."

Imaani smiled at me hesitantly and a raw emotion passed her eyes for a split second, one which I didn't see often unless she was feeling especially vulnerable —though she was rapid in switching to her smiley face as she busied herself in making my bed.

She didn't have to do that of course, but she insisted on it regardless —because she hated seeing that everything was such a mess. She was so much more organised and put together than I was, always thinking on her feet. It was a miracle that she hadn't figured things out yet about whose roof she was living under though. I wondered how she would react if the truth was ever exposed.

I didn't speak as I let my limbs drag me into the bathroom and splashed water on my face, before brushing my teeth and slipping into the shower. Resting my head against the marble wall, as water cascaded down on me —I sighed, feeling extremely grateful that my period had come to an abrupt halt and I would now be able to wear something colourful, without worry of smearing it with blood.

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