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"DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING TONIGHT. Do not even think about accepting anything from another's hands, unless you know for a fact it has not been tampered with. But more importantly, do not speak, unless you are spoken to first."

I rolled my eyes for the tenth or hundredth time. Most of what he was trying to say was that Vinnie was not to be trusted, that he would go to great lengths to make mockery of him, and that they would even use me for their inside dealings.

"So, I take it you're not friends?" I piped up, following after him. "I'm not a dog, you know, you can't just tell me what to do without proper reasoning and except me to go along with it. You sound so misogynistic."

"Oh, but I can." Mateo said, as he patiently waited in front of the great, big gates that surrounded us. "Don't push me."

"You tell me I shouldn't speak, yet you expect me to charm Vinnie? You just want me to sit and look pretty then?" I rolled my eyes. "Do all the things you say make no sense, or is it just when you're in my presence?"

His frustration was palpable, and my curiosity was getting the best of me. I knew he didn't appreciate being interrogated or tested, but neither did I. Even if I agreed with his plans for the time being, I was not going to hand over all the cards to him.

Mateo's gaze met mine and I pointed my brows at him, as if daring him to say something. He dragged his eyes from my nose and roamed my lips briefly, where they wrapped around my lollipop, before settling on my pushed out cleavage.

"See something you like?" I taunted him.

A growling sound left his lips, but he didn't have much to say. All I could do was gasp and try not to choke on the lollipop when he grabbed me by the wrist and pushed me flush against him, taking a hold of my hips, keeping me in place as his fingers sunk in against my back.

I inhaled sharply, trying not to let my brain turn to absolute slush at the fragrance of his manly cologne. But a familiar feeling was flushing around my stomach and I cursed myself, because my body was always responsive to his touch, no matter how much he actually disgusted and antagonised me.

"Do not embarrass me." He threatened. "Backless or not, this dress doesn't cut it."

"What am I? Your whore?" I snapped.

"Only if you want to be." Mateo quietly said, a dark intensity flooding his eyes.

"You wish." I bit out. "I'd never submit to you."

"I don't need to wish." He narrowed his eyes at me, his eyes holding emotions he couldn't express. "I get whatever I want and I want for you to play nice right now."

"Don't get it twisted, I would rather drink poison than play nice with you." I sneered. "As for my clothes, trust me, I know what I'm doing. Don't ever comment on that again. Men like to undress women with their eyes alone, having this particular outfit on leaves more to the imagination."

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