CH: 29

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Slamming her hands on the table and roughly pushing her chair back to stand up. Marie leaned over the table, "alright. I have had it up to here" she held out her hands to show a visual representation. "This shit is over! No more acting like either you or I give a shit about any of this Jess! Declan you're excused. Take your shit and leave." To be fair she at least said it somewhat politely. She could have been an ass and made him sit through what would no doubt be an embarrassing conversation for him. Declan did his first smart thing of the night and quickly left the table, snatching up his jacket and keys before running out the door to his car and taking off. "What the hell Marie!?!" Jess shouted, "what do you think you're doing?" Marie gave out a dark chuckle, "what am I doing? No Jess, what are YOU doing? You're always coming over here harassing me about my life. Telling me I'm too depressed and too lonely. I'm not normal just because I have a few bad days here and there. Just because I'm not a people person or a social butterfly. Making me get out of my comfort zone and doing other stupid shit just to make you happy! I'm tired of it Jess. I'm so tired of it. Well not anymore dammit. No more calling to bug me about how I need to get out more. Or just waltzing over here to barge into my business my life like you have some right to! You've always been a mess even when we were kids but at least you were a fun and loveable mess. Ever since they've died you've been nothing but horrible! You've become irresponsible, and down right overbearing. You go through your money like you expect it to always be there and to just keep coming. You blow through men like you did you Barbie dolls whenever they came out with a new one when we were kids. Then you have the nerve to insert yourself into what I'm doing and what I'm not doing." At this point Marie changed her voice to be somewhat high pitched to match her sisters. "What are you doing still in bed Marie? Why are you dressed like a bum Marie? You know you should really stop snacking so much or you'll get fat Marie!" Marie had to take a deep breath because she was already crying but she still had more to say. "You have the nerve to stand there and judge ME. I'm still in bed because it's the weekend and I'd like to enjoy the quiet and relaxing time I have with my pups. I'm in sweat pants and a tank top because I'm at home and I like to be comfortable. And contrary to what you believe I really don't snack that match and I'm a grown ass women! If I want to eat a whole bag of chips during a movie marathon then I will! I know that I'll need to add extra time to my workout for that whole week! I don't need you to point out all my flaws or at least what you think are my flaws. I'm happy living alone with just my pups. I know who I am. I have my life figured out. You on the other hand clearly don't. Instead of coming here to harass me why don't you use that time to work on yourself for once!?" Here Marie dried her face of tears and looked Jess dead in the eyes. "You're my sister and you're all I have ever left. I love you to death but I can't deal with this anymore. You make me miserable and I dread anytime you call or come over anymore. That's not right Jess. It's not supposed to be like this. WE'RE not supposed to be like this." Marie sighed and dropped her head before continuing once again, "Jess. You're gonna grab your things and you're gonna leave here tonight. You're going to go home and think about everything I just said. When you get done you're going to have to make a decision. Are you gonna keep living this way or are you going to make a change? I'm telling you now, if you make the first decision... Don't bother coming back. Don't call me and don't come by here anymore. I can't keep living like this and neither can you." With that being said, Marie called for the dogs and headed to her room. She stopped right before she shut her bedroom door. "Shut and look the door behind you. Leave the key in the key hider." She shut the door and leaned her head against. She heard Jess leave and the sound of the door being locked. She turned her body as she slowly slid down with her back to the door. She looked up to see all three of her special pups sitting quietly before her, "what did I just do?" She quietly asked aloud. There was no one there to respond but the whimpering from her pups.

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