Ch. 3

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"Come here, boy."  The old man called. At the sound of his owners' voice, the rottweiler-Pitt came happily running before slowing to a cautious walk. His owner was a very old, very frail man who had recently fallen very ill. "Listen up ol' boy. I've lived a long and happy life. I've fulfilled it in all the ways that matter. Now *cough**cough*...Now I think my time has come."  The old man said while he patted his wrinkled hand across the pups back. "It won't be long now. I'll be meeting my lovely Edith again for the first time in many years. I wonder if she's as beautiful as I remember? Oh, who am I kidding! Of course, she'll be!"  The old man chuckled breathlessly. "I called my daughter. She and her husband will be taking you in when I'm gone."  At this, the pup whimpered safely. "Don't worry boy. They'll take great care of you!"  The old man stated with full confidence. "Come on boy. Time to get some rest."  The old man stated before climbing into bed and wrapping an arm around the pup. "Goodnight good boy. See ya in the morning."  What neither the old man or the pup knew was that the old man wouldn't live to see the next day.

That night at exactly 11:34 pm he would stop breathing and eventually pass within the night. By the next morning, the pup will awaken to a cold to the touch owner and later a broken heart when he realizes his owner wasn't going to awaken. The next day when the old man's daughter didn't get a reply to the calls she left for him she stopped by to check on him and found him lying in bed with the pup whimpering at his side. She would take the pup in only to call the animal shelter to take him. Both she and her husband were far too busy to take care of some animal. Even if it was the last wish of her father. Some things(like her career) were far too important for something as silly as taking care of a dog.

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