CH: 31

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*6 months later*

It has been months since I last saw or heard from Jess. I am starting to worry that I might have been too harsh. She has never gone this long without talking or coming to see me, even we have argued in the past and she was angry with me. I can not believe I am actually saying this but... I think I am beginning to get lonely. To combat this ridiculous notion, I have began picking up new hobbies. This week's hobby of interest is finger crocheting. I have already started crocheting different things for the pups. When I first got the idea to make something for the pup's, I pulled some crochet patterns for them to look at. Whichever they seemed to like most is the one I picked for them. Seth got the go first as he happened to be the closest pup to me at the time. He chose a doggy blanket. Roman strangely chose a doggy headpiece. Dean... Well I think Deano has a thing for plants.

A/N: This was supposed to have individual pics of the pup's chosen crochet items... But Wattpad won't let me add them and then be able to publish the chapter. I will try and figure something out for it though. Please bare with me!

Either way, the pup each chose something that would be difficult for me to do but I am determined to make them proud! I figured it would be easiest to start with Seth's since a blanket does not look nearly as hard as the other two. I will just try to work on them when the pup's are asleep. That way I can, A) have some piece and quiet while working and B) I can work on and finish all three before giving to them. This way no one gets jealous that someone got theirs first. Next will probably be Roman's as there is less colour changes that would need to be made and less shape work needed to. Sadly, Deano just have to pick the one that looks the most complicated. Hopefully I can do it justice! In the meantime, I have gotten in touch with you friend from high school and college.  Everly is a small time book editor. They(their chosen pronoun) like to travel around whenever they have the free time in between  chapters or books. Recently they mentioned heading out my way. I offered to let them stay here in the guest room and they said they'll let me know what they decide when they get here. I figured this will give me a good excuse to have to clean up and organize the room. That just means I will have at least a month or two to play with all the junk I end up finding in there.

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