CH. 20

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Marie had been sitting on the couch watching one of her favorite shoes Supernatural when Roman came walking back into the house. "Hey, buddy! Did you get tired of being outside? Want to come sit with mommy?" She asked while patting the couch cushions beside her. Roman happily hopped up and made himself comfortable by her side. He laid his head in her lap and turned to see what she was watching. Whatever it was, there was a man with what looked like bird wings glowing on the screen. He kept watching as the show played out and found that just like the cartoons from yesterday, he liked whatever this was too. When the show went to commercial he barked in anger. Why did it go away? Was it coming back? He looked to Marie as she grabbed the remote. "Oh don't worry buddy! Momma's gonna fast forward past the stupid commercials." With that being said she quickly fast-forwarded until the show was playing once again. For the next 20 minutes or so they sat there watching the show before Seth decided to come in. He saw them snuggled on the couch and pushed his way on as well. He also likes the show and was upset when it finished. He made it known by barking at the TV just like Roman had. "Hey. Hey, none of that now ok? Did you really think I was only going to watch one episode? No way!" She went to the list and searched through her recorded shows until she got to Supernatural. When she found it she clicked on the folder then scrolled down to the right episode and hit play. They continued this pattern for about three episodes more before she called for break time. Neither of the pups was happy but knew that just like them, humans needed a potty break sometimes. Though why they had a special room for it neither of them knew. They just followed her to the bathroom and waited outside the door before following her to the kitchen.

Stepping into the kitchen, she realized that Dean was gulping down some water and went ahead and poured him some more. In thanks, he let her pet his head before going back to drinking. "I think you've got the right idea Deano," Marie stated as she opened the fridge to grab a Coke Zero™. She was also starting to feel snack-ish so she looked through the cabinets for some chips. Finding what she wanted, she made her way back to the couch. Just as she was about to hit play she noticed Dean sitting in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. "Did you want to join us Deano?" She asked. When he didn't do anything in reply she simply patted the little bit of cushion that was left. He looked between her and where she patted before slowly making his way over to it. He gave her one last look (to which she just nodded her head) and he hopped onto the couch and snuggled in beside Roman. Roman noticed how happy it seemed to make her have all three of them sitting with her and made a note of it for later. Anything that he noticed made her happy automatically made it onto his This Makes Our Human Happy list. So far the list looks like this:

This Makes Our Human Happy

The glowy bird wing man show

Dog piles

He figured that by making a list, he could add all the things that made her happy and then just made sure to do them as much as possible. That way she would always be happy and wouldn't have sadness anymore! He likes his plan.

For the next few hours, all four of them sat there watching the show and taking a few breaks in between to grab food and go potty. They had just finished an episode and were going to move on to the next when Marie realized that the episode they just watched was the last one she had recorded for now. They would have to wait for the new episodes to record before she could have another marathon. "Aw, man! I was having such a good time too! And it was getting to one of my favorite episodes!" She complained. The three pups were just sitting there confused. Why couldn't they keep watching? "Hey what's the deal?" Seth asked, looking to Roman. "Yeah, I was getting into it!" Dean added. Roman just sighed, "Looks like that's all she had of it. Did you see where she didn't have anymore when the thingy came up?" He asked though he really knew they didn't have the attention span to catch that. They were just waiting for the next episode every time she did the magic thing with the weird TV stick. "Well, that sucks!" Dean complained as he just laid down to sleep instead. Seth had already started to run around in the backyard once again. Roman looked over to Marie to see her grabbing a book off her shelf and sitting back down on the couch. Roman took a page out of Dean's book and decided to take a nap as well.

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