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It had been three months since you got your memories back. Three months of searching for the other people in that place with no luck.


No hit!


"What about the trackers? We all must have had one." You suggested one night.

Luckily, Bruce kept the tracker from your neck, Tony looked at the data and figured out how to find similar.

The signal stopped 60 miles away.

Everyone descended on a warehouse near the signal...but nothing. You found the trackers in a pile in the middle of the room.

Everyone kept eyes and ears to the ground and listened to everyone as they walked the streets, trying to fish out any possible hints.

But still nothing.

Today, you were sat in one of the meeting rooms with the others going over other missions.

The gang had met some new super humans: Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. They were around your age and the three of you really got on, spending a lot of time together.

Pietro had speeds that made Steve and Bucky look like they were walking. And Wanda, oh Wanda, her powers were amazing: telepathy, levitation, energy absorption and projection .... it was always a treat to watch whenever she used her powers.

The three of you were sat a bit away from the table in your chairs, crossed legged, Wanda using her powers to spin your chairs, while you had your heads back, balancing a cup of water on your foreheads.

"Are you three nearly finished?" Tony huffed.

"Shush, It's the final. Winner takes all." You mumbled, trying to concentrate.

"Isn't Wanda using her powers?" Sam asked, watching intently

"Not to balance. That would be unfair." Wanda said slowly, also trying not to tip the water over.

Wanda suddenly squealed and fell off the chair, causing her to lose concentration with the powers and jolting your chair too. It caused you to shake and the water to tumble down your top.

You jumped up at the cold water down your cleavage and looked over to Pietro who jumped up, holding his cup, still full of water, "yes! Suck it girls!"

"I'd rather not" Wanda mumbled, dusting herself down as she stood up.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Steve move slightly and look away from the three of you. You glared at him before walking towards the door.

"Call if you need me. I gotta change this top." You walked passed Pietro, high-fived him for his victory, and out of the meeting back to your room.

You still hadn't changed rooms from next to Buckys as you had grown used to it; being close to Steve was easier too.

You took your top off and threw it in to your laundry hamper before sifting through the wardrobe for another.

You pulled on a baggy Tee as your door opened and Steve walked in, closing the door behind him.

"What was all that about?" Steve asked, standing straight, arms folded over his chest.

"What do you mean? You're the one that kicked Wanda." You straightened yourself out and stood in front of him.

"I didn't."

"I saw you move! Wanda doesn't lose concentration that easy."

"I don't know what you're on about." Steve shook his head, completely denying it all.

"Ooo, so much for the good and true Mr America." You rolled your eyes and walked passed him.

He grabbed your arm and pulled you back, "where are you going now?"

"It's movie night with Nat and Wanda. I said I'd buy the snacks." You pulled your arm out of his grasp and swung the door open.

It was weird how you and Steve had suddenly got snappy with each other. It was all going fine and then, one day, nothing was good enough for him.

You made it down to the corridor of the gym and garage when the gym door swung open in front of you, causing you to suddenly stop before you broke your nose....if that was actually possible.

"Whoa! Sorry Y/N" Bucky smiled coming round the door, "didn't see you there."

"It's fine." You sighed and continued to walk

"What's up?" Bucky shouted over, running along side of you trying to keep up.


"Y/N," he stepped in front of you, grabbing your shoulders, making you stop, "don't lie. Not to me. What's going on?"

"It's nothing. Just PMS'ing I guess." You smiled, "hey, wanna join me in getting movie snacks?"

"For girls night? Always." Bucky smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you walked to the garage and picked a car.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now