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There was a soft knock on the bedroom door, pulling you out of your haze. You looked towards the door through your tearful eyes as Natasha got up and opened the door revealing Bucky.

Bucky stepped in before Nat stood in front of him. He looked over her shoulder to you sat on the floor, leaning against the bed with your knees to your chest, crying your eyes out. Wanda was perched on the bed behind you, Pietro sat next to you on the floor, and Natasha had been sat the other side.

"I think you've done enough, Bucky" Nat crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Bucky, daring him to come closer.

"I just wanted to see if she was OK." Bucky mumbled, not tearing his eyes off you.

"She's fine here with us." Nat spat back.

You had told the three of them what happened. All of it. What a mad 36 hours it had been.

"Nat..." Pietro started but she cut him off.

"What? It's true. If he hadn't -"

"It's not his fault Steve was an ass." Wanda sighed, cutting Natasha off before she brought up the sensitive subject.

None of you knew, but Wanda had been there picking away at your brain. Looking at every thought and feeling running around it.

You were hurt, broken, betrayed. All you could think of was how much Steve had hurt you; it was as if your relationship meant nothing to him. He easily jumped into bed with someone else... it couldn't have meant anything to him.

But it did to you. It was your first feeling of what you could call love. You had never said it to each other, but that feeling of butterflies and that stupid smile whenever he looked your way made you believe it was. The feeling he gave you if security, of happiness.

All that faded seeing Sharon's hands over him. Had it happened before? Is he just a really good liar and hid it from everyone?

Part of you wanted - needed - to know. The other didn't want you to go through any more pain.

Wanda read all of this; she felt awful for her friend. But, when the door opened to reveal Bucky.... None of that mattered.

All in your head was happiness and love. She could tell all you wanted to do was curl up with him and cry. You didn't blame him, so no one else should.

"I'm sorry for my part in this." Bucky swallowed hard, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down to the floor, "I wish I never said anything." He sighed and turned around, walking out the door.

You flinched, wanting him to stay...

"Wait." Wanda shouted over, making everyone turn to look at her. "I think we should go."

Wanda tapped Pietro on the shoulder, leaning down on him to help her off the bed. "Come on. Let's give them a few minutes."

The twins grabbed Nats arms and pulled her out the door. Bucky held it open, trying to get as far from Nat as he could.

Nat stopped and pointed a finger into Buckys face, "I'm warning you, Bucky. Don't be an ass." She warned him as the twins dragged her away.

Bucky waited a few moments before closing the door and leaning back on it, looking over to you still on the floor. "That can't be comfortable."

"I feel like an idiot." You sighed, ignoring Buckys remark.

"What!?" Bucky pushed off the door and quickly stepped to your side, kneeling down to look you straight in the eyes.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now