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( Can I say, I am LOVING what lists you add these stories to 🤣 I love looking at the different names and seeing a little bit of your personalities ☺️ )


You still had to take it easy on your ankle, but at least you got the all clear to go to the school with Wanda. She helped you get in and out the car, up steps, and helped you sit carefully on a chair in the principals office, elevating your foot on to the low coffee table in front of you while you waited for the girl to arrive.

You both sat in silence for a few seconds before Wanda interrupted your thoughts, "if you wanna ask me just go for it."

You turned to see her pursing her lips and looking dead ahead. You sighed, realising she had been reading your mind. "I don't believe Bucky likes me."

Wanda turned to look at you, screwing up her face as if you had gone crazy.

"We're just really close."

"Then why were you thinking about him shirtless?" She smirked.

"Erm.... because erm..." you stuttered and cleared your throat, "I was thinking about when I woke up and he came out the shower then we found out I hurt my ankle." You slowly explained, but Wanda wasn't having any of it.

"Whatever babes. But, I can let you know how I know he likes you, if you want?"

You paused for a second. "No." You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, "the second I know, our friendship won't be the same. It'll be ruined."

Wanda put a hand on your knee and smiled, "it was ruined when he found his feelings for you."

"Sam said that was at the hospital.... over three months ago." Wanda nodded. "Our friendship hasn't changed."

"Hasn't it?" Wanda asked, but you had no time to ponder the question.

The door opened and a young girl walked in with the principal. "Ladies, this is Megan." The principal brought the girl in and sat her at another chair, "and Megan, this is -"

"I know who you guys are. Wanda and Y/N. You're Avengers." The girl smiled as she looked over to the two of you.

"We are. We're here to help." Wanda smiled, "if you could give us a few moments?"

"Of course" the principal left the room, closing the door behind them.

"I'm sorry but, help with what?" Megan's face was blank, confused with why you were actually there.

You and Wanda exchanged the same look, "you don't know why we're here? What happened this morning?" Wanda looked round the room as you spoke.

Megan shook her head, "no, I'm sorry. Should I?"

"Your friend, Jess, is missing."

"I don't know anyone called Jess."

Wanda stood up and walked over to Megan, placing a finger on her temple and searching her mind.

Wanda shook her head and moved her hand after a few seconds, "nothing."

You got out the printed picture of Jess and pass fit over to Megan, "You don't remember her at all?"

Megan took the photo and looked it over, "no. I'm sorry she's missing but I don't know her. I don't know why you thought I did." She handed the paper back to you and stood up, "can I go?"

"Of course. Thank you." Wanda smiled and sat back next to you.

Megan left the room, door slightly open, while you and Wanda sighed, falling back into your chairs in unison.

"We were too late." You swallowed, your heart beating faster, "they got to her already. She'll be off the school system by now. Her parents probably don't remember her, or worse.... they've been killed."

"But you were right." Wanda added, trying to make something out of this dark depressing turn.

"I guess I kinda didn't want to be." A small tear fell down your cheek as you spoke. "If she survives in that place, and we get her out, she'll have no one. She'll remember everybody, watch them go on with their happy lives without her in it. And they won't know how hurt she is."

Wanda helped you to your feet, bringing you in to a hug and letting you lean on her a little, "if you want to sit this mission out, no one would blame you."

You shook your head, "I don't want to. These people need help. I need to help them."

The door opened a little more and the principal came in, "everything ok?"

"Perfect. But er, could we look at the CCTV for the school? The main entrance?" You smiled over to them.

The principal took you both to a side room where the CCTV monitor was situated. They let you get on with it in peace as you sat at the desk and rewound the tape to earlier in the day, but Wanda stopped you.

"Look at that." She pointed to the clock on the wall. "Skip forward a minute."

You pressed the button and the clock time changed from 10:52 to 11:49. You looked up to Wanda, "didn't even take them an hour."

Wanda looked at her watch, "that was two hours ago. God knows what they've done in that time."

"We need to watch every post of missing people from now on. Any one could be one of Them." You sighed and got up off the chair.

"Where do we look? Just here, or..."

"Everywhere. Just because Jess was taken here doesn't mean they won't take someone the other side of the country."

"It's going to take a long time." Wanda sighed and the two of you walked out the room, waving at the receptionist and principal as you left.

You walked along the school grounds and back for the car. "It'll take every second to look. But I can't give up on them. If the government is doing this, we can't let them get away with it any longer."

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now