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You arrived back at the compound and raced to your room. Sam had gone in your place, Pietro and Wanda were busy with Tony, and Steve had said he was going to train with Nat down in the gym, so you knew you'd be alone.

You slammed the bedroom door closed and fell onto your bed, not wanting to face the rest of the day; you had messed it all up.

Of course you loved Bucky, everything was so clear now you could finally admit it. Every time you touched it was as if you had swallowed butterflies. Every smile, every glance, every joke, every cuddle... it was something that came easy and natural when you were together.

With Steve it was so different. Even though you loved the time you spent together, and he did make you smile and feel loved, it just wasn't the same.

You had to watch what you did around him incase he thought you were being immature. He hated the way you were with Wanda and Pietro, acting like kids and having fun. Moments like that made you realise of that huge age gap....

But you and Bucky had the same age gap and he was nothing like Steve in that sense.

But honestly, they needed each other. More than either one needed you.

Both of them had been thrusted into this century and had to adapt in any way they could. Bucky seemed to be handling it better than Steve had been but, after your short talk in the morning, you realised they were the only two people in the world who understood how the other felt.

There was no way you could come between that.

If you stayed with Steve, you'd always know how Bucky feels. How you feel. Go to Bucky, and Steve would be pissed; dump one friend for the other? You wouldn't blame him for being mad.

Your stomach growled pulling you from your thoughts. That's when you realised you had been sat in your room for a while and missed lunch.

You quickly changed into some shorts and hoodie, the same hoodie Bucky had given you the first day you arrived. You scrapped your hair back into a messy bun and made your way to the kitchen.

Pushing open the door, laughter filled your ears. The laughter of Steve and Nat. And it was too late to turn around now as they spotted you coming in.

"Hey Y/N! I didn't know you were back." Nat smiled, sipping her drink.

"Where's Buck?" Steve added.

You stood by the door and bounced on your feet, feeling a little uncomfortable with everything swirling around your head.

But you had to push out a happy face. "Oh, Sam's taken my place. I wasn't feeling well so came back."

"Oh, babe. You want something to eat?" Steve got up and wrapped you in his arms.

His hold so protective and secure. But it wasn't Buckys.

You gently pushed away and let out a small smile, trying to seem as normal as possible. "Yeah. Toast would be amazing right now."

"I'll make you some. Want a cup of tea?" Steve kissed your cheek and walked over to the counter to start the toast.

You nodded and sat next to Nat at the table. While Steve's back was turned Nat turned to you, "are you ok?"

"Yeah." You smiled, nodding a little too quickly for her to believe you.

She looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow as she did. Completely did not believe you. There was no way you could say everything to her with Steve in the same room, thank you super solider hearing!

You sighed and took your phone out your pocket, typing a text to Nat:

I think I told Bucky I love him

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now