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You made your way down the halls and rounded to an office, knocking gently on Bruce's open door. "Hey Bruce."

He looked up from his desk over the rim of his glasses, "Hey Y/N. Are you OK?"

"Yeah, erm..." You stepped into his office and looked around at the wall of shelves covered in books, his desk with a few piles of paperwork and folders on, and a tall metal cabinet next to him on the back wall.

"I don't suppose... Have you still got my file? From that place..." You sat down opposite him on the comfy fabric chair sat at the desk.

"I'm sure I do." Bruce got up and went over to a filing cabinet.

He opened a drawer and searched through the files inside until he got to yours. "Here it is." He closed the drawer and passed you the folder, "what were you looking for?"

"Just .... seeing something...." you flicked through the file and read off the many lists of experiments.

Bruce sat back down at his desk and watched you, frowning. "Something in particular....?"

You looked up to him, raising your eyebrow at how nosey he was being, "You're not usually this nosey, Bruce."

"If I can help in anyway..." he shrugged.

You looked through your folder as Bruce looked back down to his own paperwork, both of you lost in your own task.

You read list after list of things that they experimented on you, but nothing close to what you were looking for... Most were blood work or for memory and brain alterations.

And then it clicked.

"Because it wasn't an experiment." you muttered to yourself, throwing the folder onto the desk and getting up.

"What wasn't?" Bruce looked up and followed you round his desk and next to him.

"Could you check my scan for something?"

"Of course." He clicked into various folders until your body scan he took within your first few days of arriving popped up on screen. "What am I..."

You moved the image down and pointed to the screen, "is there a ..."

Bruce zoomed in closer, frowning as you pointed out a void in your body. "I don't know how I didn't pick up on it sooner..."

"You weren't looking for it?" you sighed and leaned back on to the wall behind the two of you.

Bruce kept scanning the image, turning it and changing the colours. But nothing was showing up. "I can scan you again?"

You looked over to him and he looked up with those hopeful, puppy dog eyes that Bruce did so well.

"Does it grow back?" You joked, trying to make him feel a little bit better about not picking up on it at the time.

He smiled slightly before dropping it quickly, understanding this wasn't a moment to joke; you were doing it to soften the moment. "Nothing in any medical journal..."

You took him up on the offer though, just as a double check. You lay on the bed in the next room just off his office and the machine came down like last time. Bruce clicked a few more buttons, taking a bit longer to get every angle and every type of scan possible.

You got up and waited next to Bruce as the scans loaded properly. He pulled a chair up behind you, letting you fall gently into it before he sat in to his own, both of you staring at the images.

"Still nothing to write in a medical journal." you sighed, taking his hand. He seemed surprised by you taking his hand, but he didn't move it. He knew you needed it.

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now