Little Note

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So that's THE END 😩😭

Well, sorta. I'm gonna do a third one 🙈 I must be crazy. I had the idea for it a few chapters back and have been trying to write it so I can get it out ASAP.

It won't be as long as these; maybe only 4 or 5 chapters.

But the title I already know....

Fight For Us


I hope to get the parts out soon. I won't be uploading this one to TikTok as they take so long even when it's basic stuff. And my phone storage sucks 🙈
Writing stories and making long-ass videos for TikTok does not come easy when 2 kids are growing up and taking lots of photos - that's the majority of my phone storage right there 🙈

But I will get the third AND FINAL series/season/book out soon. I promise


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