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The next couple of days sucked. The girls popped in with food and a chat, Steve spent a night, Bucky stayed and watched films... and you just lay there.

Bruce was due to come up today to check your ankle over, luckily the swelling had gone down but it was still a little painful.

You scrolled through your phone for the millionth time that today, trying to pass the time, when you came across a post shared to a local page.

There was a picture of a young girl smiling at the camera, braces on show, and a school in the background. The post said she was missing.....

You sat up quickly, wide eyed, "Social media." You mumbled to yourself as it all clicked into place.

"BUCKY!" You screamed at the top of your lungs.

There was a thud from next door, the door hitting the wall and then your door swinging open to allow an out of breath, panicked, Bucky entry.

"What? What's going? You OK? You hurt?" He said quickly standing next to your bed, scanning over your entire body, checking for any new injuries.

You looked at him confused, "Why would you think that?"

"You shouted?"

"Social media" you simply put, shoving your phone in his face.

"Yeah, it's weird. Became this huge thing the last 10 years or so." Now it was his turn to be confused.

"If it's not on social media, it didn't happen." Bucky laughed while looking at you as if you were crazy.

"No" you sighed and clicked on the post, "look at this one."

Bucky took your phone off you and read the post, "my best friend Jess didn't turn up for school today. Phoned her mum and she left around 7:30am for the bus...." he frowned and looked back up to you, "I don't get it."

"She's missing."


"I mean, she could have just ditched school. But, why wouldn't she get her best friend to ditch too?" You asked as if your intentions of the questioning was obvious.

"Another friend group?" Bucky was oblivious.

"Or she was kidnapped."

"Always that possibility. Some right weirdos about these days." Bucky passed your phone back to you.

"Oh my god, Buck" you sighed and put your head in your hands, "I was kidnapped!"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah guess this would bring up memories..." he sat on the edge of the bed and took your hand, looking at you sympathetically.

You snatched your hand out of his, "No you idiot!"

"Alright. Sheesh"

"Social media wasn't a thing when I was taken. Mobiles weren't really a thing either. You could have been missing for hours and no one would know because your parents would assume you were with a friend. Leaving the kidnappers perfect time to erase memories..."

Bucky looked as if he was following but staying silent....

"But now, as soon as you don't hear from your friend, you call their parents or another friend. No ones heard from them. Check social media, haven't been online. Don't answer their phones.... So you go to social media and make a post. Before anyone has had chance to get round to anyone to erase their memory."

Fight For Them - AVENGERS POVWhere stories live. Discover now